C# (CSharp) Iaik.Utils.Net 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ConnectionBuilderSettings All settings required by the connection builders
ConnectionException Base class for all connection related exceptions
ConnectionFailureException Is thrown if the connection to the remote host could not be established, because the remote endpoint is not available
ConnectionRejectedException Is thrown if the connection is rejected by the server because of some policy settings
DisconnectedException Is thrown by the connection if the connection to the client has been lost
FrontEndConnection Implements the IFrontEndConnection interface for common usage. This class can not be instantiated, use one of the implementations. Derived classes need to specify the FrontEndConnectionAttribute to identify the connections. If the attribute is not defined a NotSupportedException is thrown
FrontEndConnectionAttribute Attribute that is defined for all FrontEndConnection
SslConnectionBuilder Loads the specified certificate file, asks the user for the encryption password if needed and sets up the ssl connection