C# (CSharp) IBM.Cloudant.Client 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BasicAuthenticationInterceptor Sample interceptor implementation that adds basic authentication to HTTP requests. It does this by adding an Authentication header with Basic authentication using the provided username and password.
CloudantClient The main object for the Cloudant client public API.
CloudantClientBuilder Cloudant client builder.
CookieInterceptor Adds cookie authentication support to http requests. It does this by adding the cookie header for CouchDB using request interceptor pipeline in IBM.Cloudant.Client.HttpHelper. If a response has a response code of 401, it will fetch a cookie from the server using provided credentials and tell IBM.Cloudant.Client.HttpHelper to reply the request by setting IBM.Cloudant.Client.HttpConnectionInterceptorContext.replayRequest property to true. If the request to get the cookie for use in future request fails with a 401 status code (or any status that indicates client error) cookie authentication will not be attempted again.
DataException Exception type used by the Cloudant Client to report exceptions while working with data services.
DocumentRevisionConverter Marshalls a IBM.Cloudant.Client.DocumentRevision object to and from JSON.
HttpConnectionInterceptorContext Class used to pass the current state of an HTTP connection to IBM.Cloudant.Client.IHttpConnectionInterceptor
HttpHelper Internal class to manage the HTTP connection.
Index Encapsulates a Cloudant Index definition. Additional information about indexes in the Cloudant documentation at: https://docs.cloudant.com/cloudant_query.html#creating-an-index
IndexConverter Converts a JSON Query index definition to a IBM.Cloudant.Client.Index object.
ListIndicesConverter Marshals a list of IBM.Cloudant.Client.Index objects from json.
QueryDocumentRevisionConverter Marshalls a list of IBM.Cloudant.Client.DocumentRevision objects from JSON. It expects the list of documents to be located in the docs field of the JSON.
SortField Sort item.
SortFieldConverter Marshals SortSyntax JSON objects into IBM.Cloudant.Client.SortField struct.
TextIndexField Search field.