C# (CSharp) HitProxy.Filters 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Accept Replace Accept headers with a common version
Block Block requests flagged "block"
BlockBreak Replace the request with a break page
Cache Caching - force caching(send cache headers to browser) Local cached of popular sources
Command Invoke commands based on filters
CustomError Custom 404 messages and other alike Inspired by http://ilpolipo.free.fr/addons/?sn=omfg
FilterListFirst Runs the first filter, if it returns filtered all the remaning filters will be run. if(first) {run all remaining}
InterceptSSL Intercept SSL (HTTP CONNECT) and filter any requests inside using the same filters as normal HTTP is filtered
NoScript Script block - filter on type, .js application/javascript Keep list of allowed sites
Password Listens for passwords - Warn about unencrypted password transfers - Log password - Store password for autologin
ProxyHeaders Filter Proxy headers. Prevent proxy specific headers from being transferred to the remote server.
Rewrite Rewrite requests urls according to some rules
Saver Save files with flag "save" onto disk
Saver.FileSaver Save the data read into a separate file
Tamper Inspired by TamperData http://tamperdata.mozdev.org/ Return webpage with all parameters filled into visible fields, ready to manipulate and send back.
TransparentSSL Force https transparently by requesting the ssl version. This filter only does the scheme translation: http->https. Block http->https requests? Not possible since referer is not sent from https sites, possibly block non html without referer Use EFF:s https everywhere ruleset to give instant redirects. https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere
TriggerLunchBreak This triggers on special time of day.
UserAgent Filter, remove or modify headers
WebUI This is the Web User-Interface to view status and control the filters in the proxy