C# (CSharp) Hiro 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AssemblyDefinitionExtensions Represents an extension class that allows users to convert assembly definitions into running assemblies.
BaseDependencyMap Represents a class that can map dependencies to implementations.
CachedContainerCompiler Represents a container compiler that caches its compiled results.
ConstructorNotFoundException An exception that is thrown whenever the compiler is unable to find a constructor that can be instantiated by the compiled container.
ContainerCompiler A class that compile a dependency graph into an inversion of control container.
DependencyContainerExtensions Represents a helper that adds helper methods to the IDependencyContainer interface.
GenericInstanceContainer Represents a container type that instantiates generic types at runtime.
GenericSingletonInstanceContainer Represents a container type that instantiates generic singleton types at runtime.
ILProcessorExtensions A class that extends the ILProcessor class with helper methods that make it easier to save information about the method currently being implemented.
InstanceContainer Represents a IMicroContainer type that can store object references.
ServiceInfo Describes a service that can be created by the container.
TypeDefinitionExtensions A class that extends the TypeDefinition class with features similar to the features in the System.Reflection.Emit namespace.
TypeFilterPredicateExtensions A helper class that makes easy to build aggregated type predicate expressions.
TypeReferenceExtensions A class that extends the TypeDefinition class with features similar to the features in the System.Reflection.Emit namespace.