C# (CSharp) HandCoded.Xml.Resolver 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Catalog The Catalog provides a configurable XmlResolver for an XML parser.
CatalogComponent The abstract CatalogComponent class defines the standard API provided by all catalog entry components.
CatalogEntry An instance of the CatalogEntry class represents the <catlog> element within a parsed catalog file.
CatalogManager Creates an Catalog instance from the definition held in the indicated URL. If the file has been requested previously then the cached object is returned.
CatalogSet A CatalogSet instance contains a collection of Catalog instances that can be used to resolve XML entity references. The XCatalogSet passes each resolution request to each constituent Catalog until either a match is found or all the catalogs have been tried.
DelegatePublicEntry The DelegatePublic class implements public identifier delegation.
DelegateSystemEntry The DelegateSystem class implements system identifier delegation.
DelegateUriEntry The DelegateUriEntry class implements uri delegation.
GroupEntry The GroupEntry class provides a container for other catalog components.
NextCatalogEntry The NextCatalog class implements catalog chaining.
PublicEntry The PublicEntry class implements simple public identifier matching.
RelativeEntry The abstract RelativeEntry class is the common base of all entries that resolve relative to xml:base.
RewriteSystemEntry The RewriteSystemEntry class implements system identifier rewriting.
RewriteUriEntry The RewriteUriEntry class implements URI rewriting.
SystemEntry The SystemEntry class implements simple system identifier matching.
UriEntry The UriEntry class implements simple URI matching.