C# (CSharp) HaloMap.H2MetaContainers 네임스페이스


이름 설명
DXShader The dx shader.
DirectXBSPCollision The direct xbsp collision.
DirectXCollision The direct x collision.
H2SBSP The h 2 sbsp.
H2SBSP.SBSP.BSP.BSP3DNode The bs p 3 d node.
H2SBSP.SBSP.BSP.BSP_2D_Node The bs p_2 d_ node.
H2SBSP.SBSP.BSP.BSP_2D_Reference The bs p_2 d_ reference.
H2SBSP.SBSP.BSP.BSP_Plane The bs p_ plane.
H2SBSP.SBSP.BSP.BSP_Surface The bs p_ surface.
H2SBSP.SBSP.BSP.Edge The edge.
H2SBSP.SBSP.BSP.Leaf The leaf.
H2SBSP.SBSP.BSP.Vertice The vertice.
HaloLight The halo light.
ShaderInfo The shader info.
Sky The sky.
Sky.Fog The fog.
coll The coll.
coll.CollisionMesh The collision mesh.
coll.PathfindingSphere The pathfinding sphere.
coll.surfaceData The surface data.
hlmtContainer Summary description for hlmt.
hlmtContainer.PermutationInfo The permutation info.
hlmtContainer.PermutationInfo.PermutationPiece The permutation piece.
hlmtContainer.PermutationInfo.PermutationPiece.PermutationVariation The permutation variation.
ugh_ The ugh_.
ugh_.SoundType2Chunk The sound type 2 chunk.