C# (CSharp) Gurux.DLMS 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
GXByteBuffer Byte array class is used to save received bytes.
GXDLMS GXDLMS implements methods to communicate with DLMS/COSEM metering devices.
GXDLMSAccessItem Access item is used to generate Access Service message.
GXDLMSBuilder This class is used to build custom DLMS content.
GXDLMSConverter DLMS Converter is used to get string value for enumeration types.
GXDLMSDayProfile Activity Calendar's Day profile is defined on the standard.
GXDLMSDayProfileAction Activity Calendar's Day Profile Action is defined on the standard.
GXDLMSException DLMS specific exception class that has error description available from GetDescription method.
GXDLMSLNCommandHandler this class is used to handle LN commands.
GXDLMSLNParameters LN Parameters
GXDLMSLNSettings GXDLMSLNSettings contains commands for retrieving, and setting, the Logical Name settings of the server, shortly said LN referencing support.
GXDLMSLongTransaction Long get or set information is saved here.
GXDLMSNotify This class is used to send data notify and push messages to the clients.
GXDLMSSNCommandHandler this class is used to handle SN commands.
GXDLMSSNParameters SN Parameters
GXDLMSSNSettings GXDLMSSNSettings contains commands for retrieving and setting the Short Name settings of the server, shortly said SN referencing support.
GXDLMSServer GXDLMSServer implements methods to implement DLMS/COSEM meter/proxy.
GXDLMSSettings This class includes DLMS communication settings.
GXDLMSTranslator This class is used to translate DLMS frame or PDU to xml.
GXDLMSTranslatorStructure This class is used internally in GXDLMSTranslator to save generated xml.
GXDataInfo This class is used in DLMS data parsing.
GXDate This class is used because in COSEM object model some fields from date time can be ignored. Default behavior of DateTime do not allow this.
GXDateTime This class is used because in COSEM object model some fields from date time can be ignored. Default behavior of DateTime do not allow this.
GXSNInfo Server uses this class to find Short Name object and attribute index. This class is reserved for internal use.
GXStandardObisCode OBIS Code class is used to find out default descrition to OBIS Code.
GXTime This class is used because in COSEM object model some fields from date time can be ignored. Default behavior of DateTime do not allow this.