C# (CSharp) Granados.SSH1 네임스페이스


이름 설명
SSH1AgentForwardingChannel SSH1 channel operator for the agent forwarding.
SSH1ChannelBase SSH1 abstract channel class. (base of the interactive-session and channels)
SSH1ConnectionInfo A class retains miscellaneous informations about a SSH1 connection.
SSH1ConnectionInfo.SSH1HostKeyInformationProvider ISSHHostKeyInformationProvider imlpementation for SSH1
SSH1InteractiveSession SSH1 pseudo channel class for the interactive session.
SSH1LocalPortForwardingChannel SSH1 channel operator for the local port forwarding.
SSH1RemotePortForwardingChannel SSH1 channel operator for the remote port forwarding.
SSH1SubChannelBase SSH1 channel base class.
SSH1UserAuthKey private key for user authentication
SSH1X11ForwardingChannel SSH1 channel operator for the X11 forwarding.