C# (CSharp) Grafiti 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
CursorPoint Represents a point in the surface where a finger is or was placed. It's directely related to the TuioCursor class.
GRConfiguration Base class for gesture recognizers' configuration objects. A configuration contains all the informations to parametrize the behaviour of the GR, or to make it access some resources.
GestureEventArgs Base class for gesture event data.
GestureEventManager Manages the registration of gesture event handlers.
GestureEventRegistry Stores the registrations of gesture event handlers and notifies changes to the subscribed groups' GR managers.
GestureEventRegistry.RegistrationInfo Represents a subscription for a gesture recognizer's event, made by a listener that declared the relative handler.
GestureRecognizer Base class of gesture recognizers (GRs). A GR, that is dynamically instantiated by Grafiti, processes data of a single instance of the class Group for the recognition of a gesture. In case of successful recognition the GR can be enabled to send gesture events to the registered listeners. A GR can be parametrized through a configuration at the time of registration of a handler.
GlobalGestureRecognizer A GGR recognizes gestures produced anywhere. An instance of this class (or its subclasses) will be created for each group in the surface, at the moment of its creation (when there is at least one registered listener). Event handlers' targets have to implement the interface IGestureListener (or ITangibleGestureListener).
LocalGestureRecognizer An LGR recognizes gestures produced close by the tangible which class implements ITangibleGestureListener. The instance related to the tangible is also the only listener of the events that the LGR can raise. An instance of this class will be created for each group that is born close to such tangible, if there is at least one registered listener.
Surface Defines the main singleton instance that processes Tuio cursor messages and retrieves informations from the client about the tuio objects and the GUI components in the surface.
Trace Represents a collection of Cursors, i.e. the path of a finger in the surface.