C# (CSharp) Goedel.Mesh.Platform 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
Constants Constants specifying operating system locations and formats for the Mesh.
IntegrateLiveMail Windows Live Mail integration class.
IntegratorMailClient Base class for Mail Client integration classes.
MailAccountInfoWLM MailAccountInfo class for Windows Live Mail account. Provides convenience accessors to the corresponding .oeaccount file.
MeshApplication Base class for Mesh application profiles.
MeshApplicationMail Interface class for mail profile.
MeshApplicationNetwork Network application profile interface.
MeshApplicationPassword Password wpplication profile interface.
MeshApplicationSSH Wrapper class for SSH application profile.
MeshCatalog Provides the interface layer between the application and all Mesh functions.
MeshDevice Interface for device profile.
MeshPersonal Wrapper for Mesh personal profile.
Register Interface class to manage entries in the Windows Registry and file system. On non-windows machines, this can simply map to flat files.
Registration Describes a registration
RegistrationApplication Describes the registration of a device profile on a machine.
RegistrationDevice Describes the registration of a device profile on a machine.
RegistrationMachine Describes a set of registered profiles on a particular machine, usually the current machine.
RegistrationPersonal Describes the registration of as profile on as machine. This includes the fingerprint, the cached profile data and the list of portal entries to which the profile is bound.
RegistryKeySet A set of registry keys