C# (CSharp) GSF.Diagnostics 네임스페이스


이름 설명
DisposableLoggingClassBase A helper class that implements IDisposable that will raise log messages when this class is not properly disposed of.
LogEventPublisher Can be used to publish event messages.
LogEventPublisherInternal A publisher for a specific event of a LogPublisher.
LogFileCompactor A method to read all of the logs in a single file.
LogFileReader A method to read all of the logs in a single file.
LogMessage An individual log message.
LogMessageAttributes All of the attributes that can be assigned to a LogMessage.
LogMessageSaveHelper Assists in the saving of a LogMessage. This class is here to help de-duplicate classes so they don't take so much space or memory.
LogPublisher A publisher of log messages.
LogPublisherInternal This publisher is shared by all other instances of the same Type.
LogSubscriber Subscribes to log events.
LogSubscriberInternal A LogSubscriberInternal that collects logs
LogSubscriptionConsole Creates a LogSubscriber that will write messages to the Console
LogSubscriptionFileWriter A log subscription that will write messages to a file
LogSuppressionEngine The suppression engine associated with an individual LogEventPublisherDetails.
Logger Manages the collection and reporting of logging information in a system.
Logger.StackDisposal A class that will undo a temporary change in the stack variables. Note, this class will be reused. Therefore setting some kind of disposed flag will cause make this class unusable. The side effect of multiple calls to Dispose is tolerable.
Logger.ThreadStack This information is maintained in a ThreadLocal variable and is about messages and log suppression applied at higher levels of the calling stack.
LoggerInternal The fundamental functionality of Logger.
MessageAttributeFilterCollection Contains a collection of MessageAttributeFilters with the LogSubscriberInternal that is assigned to each segment.
MessageRate Defines a message rate for the message suppression algorithm
PerformanceCounter Represents an extension of the basic System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter providing additional statistical logic.
PerformanceMonitor Represents a process performance monitor that operates similar to the Windows Performance Monitor utility that can be used to monitor system performance.
PublisherFilter Describes a kind of publisher. This can be All, or a subset based on Assembly (dll) or Type (namespace/type)
ThreadPoolMonitor This class will monitor the performance of the ThreadPool and report any indications of system stress.
ThreadPoolTrace Executes a trace on the ThreadPool for all callbacks currently queued. This will not include work items that have a time delayed callback.
TimerTrace Executes a trace on the System.Threading.Timer for all queued timers.