C# (CSharp) Foretagsplatsen.Api.Resources 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AgencyUserCompanyResource Rest resource for companies that an agency user are attached to https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/AgencyUser/{username}/Company/{businessIdentityCode}/
AgencyUserResource Rest resource for agency users https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/AgencyUser/{username}/
CompanyAgencyUserResource Rest resource for agency users attached to a company https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/Company/{businessIdentityCode}/AgencyUser/{username}/
CompanyResource Company REST resource: https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/Company/ Notes: * Agency directors (administrator) has access to all the Agency's customers. * Agency consultants have access to only those customers assigned to them. * Company user have access to the companies they created/owns and those assigned/connected to them. * A company user can only delete a company if he is the one who owns (created) the company.
CompanyUserResource Company user REST resource: https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/Company/{businessIdentityCode}/User/{username} Notes: * Agency directors (administrator) has access to all the companys' users. * Agency consultants only has access to company users for their attached companies. * Company user has no access to company users in a company.
DocumentResource Document archive REST resource: https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/Company/{businessIdentityCode}/Document/{path} Notes: * A path that ends with a forward slash '/' denotes a folder, otherwise it is a file
FiscalYearResource Fiscal year REST resource: https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/Company/{businessIdentityCode}/FiscalYear/
ImportSieResource SIE-import REST resource: https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/SieImport/ We only support SIE-4 at the moment: http://www.sie.se/download/format/SIE_filformat_ver_4B_080930.pdf
KeyFigureDataResource Key figure data REST resource: https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/KeyFigureData/{businessIdentityCode}/{fiscalYearId}/
KeyFigurePresetResource Key figure data REST resource:
KeyFigureResource Rest resource for key figures https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/Company/x/KeyFigures/y where x = business identity code and y is the key figure wanted
UserResource Rest resource for users https://web.foretagsplatsen.se/Api/Me/