C# (CSharp) FiftyOne.Foundation.Mobile.Detection 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AutoUpdate Used to fetch new device data from 51Degrees.mobi if a premium licence has been installed.
AutoUpdate.DataSetAttributes Stores critical data set attributes used to determine if the downloaded data should be used to replace the current data file. Using this class avoids the need for two Stream generated data sets to be held at the same time reducing memory consumption.
BinaryConstants Constants used by the binary file format.
DetectorModule Module used to enhance mobile browser information and detect and redirect mobile devices accessing non-mobile web pages.
LicenceKey Static class used to manage the activate licence keys.
MobileCapabilitiesOverride Enhanced mobile capabilities assigned to mobile devices.
MobileCapabilitiesProvider Used to add additional WURFL based properties to the browser capabilities.
NewDevice Class used to record new device details.
Provider Represents all device data and capabilities.
TrieProvider Decision trie data structure provider.
TrieProviderV3 Decision trie data structure provider.
TrieProviderV32 Decision trie data structure provider.
WebProvider A provider with methods designed to be called from within web applications where HttpRequest objects can be used to provide the necessary evidence for detection.