C# (CSharp) FSO.Files.Formats.IFF.Chunks 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BCON This chunk type holds a number of constants that behavior code can refer to. Labels may be provided for them in a TRCN chunk with the same ID.
DGRP This chunk type collects SPR# and SPR2 resources into a "drawing group" which can be used to display one tile of an object from all directions and zoom levels. Objects which span across multiple tiles have a separate DGRP chunk for each tile. A DGRP chunk always consists of 12 images (one for every direction/zoom level combination), which in turn contain info about one or more sprites.
DGRPImage A DGRP is made up of multiple DGRPImages, which are made up of multiple DGRPSprites.
DGRPSprite Makes up a DGRPImage.
FWAV This chunk type holds the name of a sound event that this object uses.
GLOB This chunk type holds the filename of a semi-global iff file used by this object.
OBJf This chunk type assigns BHAV subroutines to a number of events that occur in (or outside of?) the object, which are described in behavior.iff chunk 00F5.
PALT This chunk type holds a color palette.
SLOT This format isn't documented on the wiki! Thanks, Darren!
SPR This chunk type holds a number of paletted sprites that share a common color palette and lack z-buffers and alpha buffers. SPR# chunks can be either big-endian or little-endian, which must be determined by comparing the first two bytes to zero (since no version number uses more than two bytes).
SPR2 This chunk type holds a number of paletted sprites that may have z-buffer and/or alpha channels.
SPR2Frame The frame (I.E sprite) of a SPR2 chunk.
SPRFrame The frame (I.E sprite) of a SPR chunk.
STR This chunk type holds text strings. The first two bytes correspond to the format code, of which there are four types. Some chunks in the game do not specify any data after the version number, so be sure to implement bounds checking.
STRItem Item in a STR chunk.
STRLanguageSet Set of STRItems for a language.
TPRP Labels for BHAV local variables and parameters.
TTAB This chunk type defines a list of interactions for an object and assigns a BHAV subroutine for each interaction. The pie menu labels shown to the user are stored in a TTAs chunk with the same ID.
TTABFieldEncode Used to read values from field encoded stream.
TTABInteraction Represents an interaction in a TTAB chunk.
TTABMotiveEntry Represents a motive entry in a TTAB chunk.