C# (CSharp) ExcelToolKit.BinaryFormat 네임스페이스


이름 설명
XlsBiffBOF Represents BIFF BOF record
XlsBiffBlankCell Represents blank cell Base class for all cell types
XlsBiffBoundSheet Represents Sheet record in Workbook Globals
XlsBiffContinue Represents additional space for very large records
XlsBiffDbCell Represents cell-indexing record, finishes each row values block
XlsBiffDimensions Represents Dimensions of worksheet
XlsBiffEOF Represents BIFF EOF resord
XlsBiffFormatString Represents a string value of formula
XlsBiffFormulaCell Represents a cell containing formula
XlsBiffFormulaString Represents a string value of formula
XlsBiffIndex Represents a worksheet index
XlsBiffIntegerCell Represents a constant integer number in range 0..65535
XlsBiffInterfaceHdr Represents InterfaceHdr record in Wokrbook Globals
XlsBiffLabelCell Represents a string (max 255 bytes)
XlsBiffLabelSSTCell Represents a string stored in SST
XlsBiffMulBlankCell Represents multiple Blank cell
XlsBiffMulRKCell Represents multiple RK number cells
XlsBiffNumberCell Represents a floating-point number
XlsBiffQuickTip For now QuickTip will do nothing, it seems to have a different
XlsBiffRKCell Represents an RK number cell
XlsBiffRecord BIFF:Binary Interchange File Format Represents basic BIFF record Base class for all BIFF record types
XlsBiffRow Represents row record in table
XlsBiffSST Represents a Shared String Table in BIFF8 format
XlsBiffSimpleValueRecord Represents record with the only two-bytes value
XlsBiffStream Represents a BIFF stream
XlsBiffUncalced If present the Calculate Message was in the status bar when Excel saved the file. This occurs if the sheet changed, the Manual calculation option was on, and the Recalculate Before Save option was off.
XlsBiffWindow1 Represents Workbook's global window description
XlsDirectoryEntry Represents single Root Directory record
XlsFat Represents Excel file FAT table
XlsFormattedUnicodeString Represents formatted unicode string in SST
XlsHeader Represents Excel file header
XlsRootDirectory Represents Root Directory in file
XlsStream Represents an Excel file stream
XlsWorkbookGlobals Represents Globals section of workbook
XlsWorksheet Represents Worksheet section in workbook