C# (CSharp) Elders.Hystrix.NET.ThreadPool 네임스페이스


이름 설명
HystrixThreadPoolDefault The default production implementation of IHystrixThreadPool.
HystrixThreadPoolFactory Factory of IHystrixThreadPool instances. Thread safe and ensures only 1 IHystrixThreadPool per HystrixThreadPoolKey.
HystrixThreadPoolKey A key to represent a HystrixThreadPool for monitoring, metrics publishing, caching and other such uses.
HystrixThreadPoolMetrics Used by IHystrixThreadPool to record metrics. Thread-safe and ensures only 1 HystrixThreadPoolMetrics per HystrixThreadPoolKey.
HystrixThreadPoolPropertiesDefault Default implementation of IHystrixThreadPoolProperties using default IHystrixProperty implementation initialized from the values of a HystrixThreadPoolPropertiesSetter.
HystrixThreadPoolPropertiesSetter Fluent interface that allows chained setting of properties that can be passed into a IHystrixThreadPool via a HystrixCommand constructor to inject instance specific property.