C# (CSharp) Elastacloud.AzureManagement.Fluent.Commands.Services 네임스페이스


이름 설명
CheckCloudServiceNameAvailableCommand Used to check the availablity of a hosted service
CheckServiceBusNamespaceAvailabilityCommand Used to create a hosted service within a given subscription
CreateCloudServiceCommand Used to create a hosted service within a given subscription
CreateDeploymentCommand Used to a create a deployment for a web or worker role given some specific deployment parameters
CreateServiceBusNamespaceCommand Used to create a hosted service within a given subscription
DeleteCloudServiceAndDeploymentCommand Used to delete a deployment from a hosted service
DeleteHostedServiceCommand Used to delete a hosted service given a service name
DeleteServiceBusNamespaceCommand Used to create a hosted service within a given subscription
GetCloudServicePropertiesCommand Used to return a list of hosted services to the client
GetDeploymentStatusCommand This commands checks the status of a particular role - whether it's running, stopped etc.
GetServiceBusNamespaceListCommand Used to create a hosted service within a given subscription
GetServiceBusPolicyConnectionStringCommand Used to create a hosted service within a given subscription
ServiceCommand Abstract base class used to encapsulate a command to a hosted service
UpdateRoleStatusCommand Used for updating the status of a role between running and suspended