C# (CSharp) EDMBlockHead.Acquire.Input 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ScannedAnalogInput This class contains the configuration information for a scanned analog input. Ideally each input channel could have it's own scan parameters. But they can't. The DAQ board can only perform one scan at a time (it's multiplexed). So what we do is configure one big scan (see ScannedAnalogInputCollection) and then chop up the data for each of the input channels. The big scan is as fast as the fastest scan and as long as the longest. Each channel is then reduced by either chopping the end off the data (as in the pmt) or binning the data up (the magnetometer).
ScannedAnalogInputCollection This class holds configuration information for the scanned analog input. The parameters in here control the acual physical scan. The data is then divided up according to the parameters in the individual ScannedAnalogInput channels.