C# (CSharp) DtaSpy 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
BizTalkBlockStream Utility write-only stream for fragmenting a raw message part into BizTalk blocks. Use this if you need to get hold of the individual blocks (by supplying your own custom IBlockWriter). Use BizTalkFragmentStream for higher level compression/decompression.
BizTalkContextReader Experimental context reader. Still havent reverse-engineered the entire format. A bit shaky and full of Asserts. Use with caution.
BizTalkContextWriter Experimental context writer. Blind inverted implementation of the context reader, please refer to it for documentation and/or guidance.
BizTalkMessagePartStream A compression stream for reading or writing from/to BizTalk message part fragment format.
BizTalkTrackingDb Database wrapper for retrieval of tracked messages, parts, fragments and context. Normally you'd use an instance of this object to retrieve one or more messages and then use the message instances to access all related objects (parts, fragments and contexts). For all methods to work the connection needs to have EXECUTE permissions for the following stored procedures in the BizTalk DTA database: ops_LoadTrackedMessages, ops_LoadTrackedPartByID, ops_LoadTrackedParts, ops_LoadTrackedMessageContext and ops_LoadTrackedPartFragment.
FragmentBlock Fragment streams consists of one or more of what I've come to call blocks which in turn consists of a header describing the block, it's compression mode (on/off), it's length (compressed and uncompressed).