C# (CSharp) DotNetWorkQueue.Transport.Redis.Basic.Lua 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BaseLua Caches lua script on each configured redis server
ClearExpiredMessagesLua Clears expired messages from the queue
DeleteLua Deletes a message from the queue
DequeueLua Dequeues the next record
DequeueRpcLua Dequeues the next record for a Rpc
EnqueueBatchLua Enqueues multiple records at once
EnqueueBatchLua.MessageToSend The message and any associated meta data to be passed to the LUA script.
EnqueueDelayedAndExpirationLua Enqueues a message that is both delayed and has expiration
EnqueueDelayedLua Enqueues a message that is delayed
EnqueueExpirationLua Enqueues a message with expiration
EnqueueLua Enqueues a message
ErrorLua Moves a message from the working queue to the error queue
LuaScripts Ensures that every script is complied
MoveDelayedToPendingLua Moves delayed records to the pending queue
ResetHeartbeatLua Resets the hearbeat for records outside of the window.
RollbackDelayLua Sends a message from the working queue into the delay queue
RollbackLua Moves a message from the working queue back into the pending queue
SendHeartbeatLua Sends a heartbeat for a single message
TimeLua Gets the current time from a redis server