C# (CSharp) DotNetWorkQueue.Transport.PostgreSQL.Basic 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
Connection This object holds the state of an item that is in progress. It's used to commit or rollback the work item as needed.
CreateJobMetaData Creates metadata needed to add this job to the db.
PostgreSqlCommandStringCache Caches SQL command strings
PostgreSqlJobQueueCreation Creates a job queue in the database
PostgreSqlJobSchema Creates a table that stores data about scheduled jobs
PostgreSqlMessageQueueClearExpiredMessages Deletes expired messages from the queue
PostgreSqlMessageQueueCorrelationId The correlation ID for the queue A GUID is used, since this needs to be different across queues
PostgreSqlMessageQueueCreation A class that will create the queue tables if needed. No support for updating existing tables is provided.
PostgreSqlMessageQueueId The primary ID for a message in the transport
PostgreSqlMessageQueueInit Registers the implementations for the queue into the IoC container.
PostgreSqlMessageQueueReceive Handles receive of messages, and passing them back to the caller
PostgreSqlMessageQueueReceiveErrorMessage Error handling related to a unit of work
PostgreSqlMessageQueueSchema Defines the schema for a queue
PostgreSqlMessageQueueSend Sends a new message to an existing queue
PostgreSqlMessageQueueStatusQueries Contains all of the support status queries
PostgreSqlMessageQueueTransportOptions Transport options. Generally speaking, this controls the feature set of the transport.
PostgreSqlMessageQueueTransportOptions.Validation Configuration validation status
PostgreSqlQueueReceivePoisonMessage Handles moving poison messages to the error table
PostgreSqlQueueStatusProvider Returns status information about the current queue
PostgreSqlRpcConnection Connection settings for Rpc
SqlQueueDelay Holds information indicating if an existing message should have it's queue delay time increased
TableNameHelper A helper class that outputs the name for a given queue table, given the base name of the queue.