Disruptor.Collections |
Disruptor.ConsoleApp |
Disruptor.Dsl |
Disruptor.MemoryLayout |
Disruptor.Perf |
Disruptor.PerfTests |
Disruptor.Test |
Disruptor.Tests |
Disruptor.Utils |
Disruptor.WaitStrategy |
이름 | 설명 |
AlertException | Used to alert IEventProcessors waiting at a ISequenceBarrier of status changes. |
BlockingWaitStrategy | Blocking strategy that uses a lock and condition variable for IEventProcessors waiting on a barrier. This strategy should be used when performance and low-latency are not as important as CPU resource. |
BusySpinWaitStrategy | Busy Spin strategy that uses a busy spin loop for IEventProcessors waiting on a barrier. This strategy will use CPU resource to avoid syscalls which can introduce latency jitter. It is best used when threads can be bound to specific CPU cores. |
Entry | Entries are the items exchanged via a RingBuffer. |
FatalExceptionHandler | |
FixedSequenceGroup | Hides a group of Sequences behind a single Sequence |
IgnoreExceptionHandler | Convenience implementation of an exception handler that using Console.WriteLine to log the exception |
InitialCursorValue | |
InsufficientCapacityException | Exception thrown when the it is not possible to insert a value into the ring buffer without it wrapping the consuming sequenes. Used specifically when claiming with the {@link RingBuffer#tryNext()} call. For efficiency this exception will not have a stack trace. |
LiteTimeoutBlockingWaitStrategy | Variation of the TimeoutBlockingWaitStrategy that attempts to elide conditional wake-ups when the lock is uncontended. |
MultiProducerSequencer | Coordinator for claiming sequences for access to a data structure while tracking dependent Sequences. Suitable for use for sequencing across multiple publisher threads. |
MultiThreadedStrategy | |
NoOpConsumer | |
PhasedBackoffWaitStrategy | Phased wait strategy for waiting EventProcessor s on a barrier. This strategy can be used when throughput and low-latency are not as important as CPU resource. Spins, then yields, then blocks on the configured BlockingStrategy. |
PhasedBackoffWaitStrategy.LockBlockingStrategy | |
PhasedBackoffWaitStrategy.SleepBlockingStrategy | |
ProcessingSequenceBarrier | ISequenceBarrier handed out for gating IEventProcessor on a cursor sequence and optional dependent IEventProcessors |
RingBufferFields | |
Sequence | Cache line padded sequence counter. Can be used across threads without worrying about false sharing if a located adjacent to another counter in memory. |
Sequence.Fields | |
SequenceGroup | A Sequence group that can dynamically have Sequences added and removed while being thread safe. The SequenceGroup.Value get and set methods are lock free and can be concurrently called with the SequenceGroup.Add and SequenceGroup.Remove. |
SequenceGroups | Provides static methods for managing a SequenceGroup object |
SingleProducerSequencer | Coordinator for claiming sequences for access to a data structure while tracking dependent {@link Sequence}s. Generally not safe for use from multiple threads as it does not implement any barriers. |
SingleProducerSequencer.Fields | |
SingleProducerSequencer.Padding | |
SingleProducerSequencerFields | |
SingleProducerSequencerPad | |
SingleThreadedStrategy | |
SleepingWaitStrategy | Sleeping strategy that uses a SpinWait while the IEventProcessors are waiting on a barrier. This strategy is a good compromise between performance and CPU resource. Latency spikes can occur after quiet periods. |
SpinWaitWaitStrategy | Spin strategy that uses a SpinWait for IEventProcessors waiting on a barrier. This strategy is a good compromise between performance and CPU resource. Latency spikes can occur after quiet periods. |
TimeoutBlockingWaitStrategy | |
TimeoutException | |
Util | Set of common functions used by the Disruptor |
YieldingWaitStrategy | Yielding strategy that uses a Thread.yield() for EventProcessor s waiting on a barrier after an initially spinning. This strategy is a good compromise between performance and CPU resource without incurring significant latency spikes. |