이름 |
설명 |
DirtySelectException |
DroppedModifiedObjectConflictException |
Lock |
LockEvent |
LockHandle |
LockTimeoutException |
Locker |
LockingQueue |
NonCommittedConflictException |
ObjectCreatedEvent |
An event fired when a database object of the given type is created during the lifetime of a transaction. |
ObjectDroppedEvent |
ObjectDuplicatedConflictException |
ReadOnlyTransactionException |
RowRemoveConflictException |
TableAccessEvent |
A table was accessed during the transaction. |
TableCommitEvent |
TableConstraintAlteredEvent |
A transaction event that caused the alteration of a constraints in the table given. |
TableDroppedEvent |
TableRowEvent |
Transaction |
The system implementation of a transaction model that handles isolated operations within a database context. |
TransactionConstraintExtensions |
TransactionConstraintExtensions.TableRowVariableResolver |
TransactionContext |
TransactionContextExtensions |
TransactionEvent |
TransactionException |
TransactionExtensions |
Provides some convenience extension methods to ITransaction instances. |
TransactionObjectState |
TransactionRegistry |
TransactionSettingKeys |
TransactionTableContainer |
TransactionTableContainer.PrivilegesTable |
TransactionTableContainer.ProductInfoTable |
TransactionTableContainer.SqlTypesTable |
TransactionTableContainer.SqlTypesTable.SqlTypeInfo |
TransactionTableContainer.TableColumnsTable |
TransactionTableContainer.TableInfoTable |
TransactionTableContainer.TableInfoTable.TableInfoObject |
TransactionTableContainer.VariablesTable |