C# (CSharp) Dev2.DataList 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AbstractRecsetSearchValidation Abstract class that check the validity of the input arguments
ActivityDataMappingBuilder Used to generate the data mapping view model data via the builder pattern ;)
FindRecsetOptions Static class for returning the search option that was selected by the user
FuzzyMatchVo Used to perform fuzzy matching of sorts ;) NOTE : Commented out code for future extention on this piece
MappingViewModelTO Used to return the mapping view models ;)
RsOpContains Class for the "contains" recordset search option
RsOpEndsWith Class for the "ends with" recordset search option
RsOpEqual Class for the "=" recordset search option
RsOpGreaterThan Class for the "greater than symbol" recordset search option
RsOpGreaterThanOrEqualTo Class for the "greater than or equal to symbol" recordset search option
RsOpIsAlphanumeric Class for the "is alphanumeric" recordset search option
RsOpIsDate Class for the "is date" recordset search option
RsOpIsEmail Class for the "is email" recordset search option
RsOpIsNumeric Class for the is "numeric recordset" search option
RsOpIsText Class for the "Is Text" recordset search option
RsOpIsXML Class for the "is xml" recordset search option
RsOpLessThan Class for the "less then symbol" recordset search option
RsOpLessThanOrEqualTo Class for the "less than or equal to symbol" recordset search option
RsOpNotAlphanumeric Class for the "not alphanumeric" recordset search option
RsOpNotContains Class for the "not contains" recordset search option
RsOpNotDate Class for the "not date" recordset search option
RsOpNotEmail Class for the "not email" recordset search option
RsOpNotEndsWith Class for the "ends with" recordset search option
RsOpNotEqual Class for the "+" recordset search option
RsOpNotNumeric Class for the "not numeric" recordset search option
RsOpNotRegex Class for the "regex" recordset search option
RsOpNotStartsWith Class for the "starts with" recordset search option
RsOpNotText Class for the "not text" recordset search option
RsOpNotXML Class for the "not xml" recordset search option
RsOpRegex Class for the "regex" recordset search option
RsOpStartsWith Class for the "starts with" recordset search option