C# (CSharp) Danmaku_no_Kyojin.BulletEngine.Equationator 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BaseNode This is a single node of the equation. All the other node types inherit from this one.
Equation This is the main class of teh Equationator. It contains one entire equation. Usage is to create one of these, add all the delegate methods, parse the equation string, and then call teh Solve function whenever need a result from it. A good idea would be to subclass this and have the child class set up all the delegate methods in it's constructor.
NumberNode This a node in the equation that holds a number.
OperatorNode This node is an operator in the equation.
ParamNode This node evaluates to a paramter that is passed into the equation at solve time
Token This is a single text token from an equation. The first step to compiling an equation is breaking it up into a list tokens and determining what is in those tokens.