C# (CSharp) CsQuery.Implementation 네임스페이스


이름 설명
CSSRule Interface for icss rule.
CSSStyleChangedArgs Arguments for when a style is changed.
CSSStyleRule A CSS style rule.
CSSStyleSheet A CSS style sheet.
CombinedTextReader Creates a virtual TextReader from several other streams.
CssStyle A single CSS style definition.
DomFragment An incomplete document fragment
DomObject Something that appears in the DOM. This is essentially the same as a Node in the browser DOM, but IDomObject represents only things that may appear in the DOM (e.g. not an attribute, document, doctype)
FormAssociatedElement An implementation of properties shared by all form associated elements.
FormReassociateableElement An implementation of properties shared by all form reassociateable elements.
FormSubmittableElement An implementation of properties shared by all form submittable elements.
HTMLLIElement An HTML LI element.
HTMLMeterElement An HTML progress element.
HTMLOptionElement An HTML option element.
HTMLOptionsCollection A collection of HTML options.
HTMLProgressElement An HTML progress element.
HTMLScriptElement A SCRIPT
HTMLSelectElement An HTML SELECT element.
HTMLStyleElement A STYLE element
HTMLTextAreaElement An HTML text area element.
HtmlAnchorElement An Anchor (A) element.
HtmlFormElement A FORM element.
NodeEventArgs Additional information for node events.