C# (CSharp) CrownPeak.SearchG2.Query 네임스페이스


이름 설명
DefaultQueryOptions Default query options to use when querying CrownPeak SearchG2.
FilterQuery Class that wraps a single filter query operation when executing a CrownPeak.SearchG2.PlainSearch or a CrownPeak.SearchG2.Search{T} on a CrownPeak SearchG2 collection.
QueryOptions Class that wraps a set of query options to be used when executing a CrownPeak.SearchG2.PlainSearch or a CrownPeak.SearchG2.Search{T} on a CrownPeak SearchG2 collection.
SortOrder Class that wraps a single sort order request when executing a CrownPeak.SearchG2.PlainSearch or a CrownPeak.SearchG2.Search{T} on a CrownPeak SearchG2 collection.