C# (CSharp) ConfigurationSetupUtility 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AdvancedSettingsWindow Interaction logic for AdvancedSettingsWindow.xaml
App Interaction logic for App.xaml
MainWindow Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
MySqlSetup This class is used to aid in the manipulation of a MySQL connection string as well as running the mysql.exe process.
OracleSetup This class is used to aid in the manipulation of an Oracle DB connection string as well as executing scripts and storing the data required for Oracle DB setup.
PostgresSetup This class is used to aid in the manipulation of a PostgreSQL DB connection string as well as executing scripts and storing the data required for PostgreSQL DB setup.
ScreenManager Manages the screens displayed to the user in the Configuration Setup Utility.
SqlServerSetup This class is used to aid in the manipulation of a SQL Server connection string as well as running the sqlcmd.exe process.