이름 |
설명 |
Barkeep |
BuyStock |
Chef |
Command |
CommandAttribute |
CommandException |
Thrown when an error occurs while attempting to invoke a command. |
CommandParameter |
Records details of a Command parameter. |
ConcreteCommand |
具体的命令 |
Context |
Records the current context within which Commands are executed. A Context is like a session object; it holds the current set of live object instances on which commands will be invoked. The Context is also able to use the Factory registration information to create new object instances as required, provided they can be created from objects currently in the context. |
ContextException |
Context exception, thrown when no object of the necessary type is available in the current context. |
DictionaryExtensions |
Extension methods for working with the argument values supplied in a Dictionary. |
DynamicSettingAttribute |
Factory |
Represents a constructor, method, or property that can be invoked to obtain an instance of a given type. |
FactoryAttribute |
Invoker |
请求命令 |
MainApp |
MainApp startup class for Structural Command Design Pattern. |
ParameterAttribute |
PluggableTypeConverter |
Provides a general purpose and extensible ITypeConverter implementation. String-to-object type conversions can be registered in an instance of this class via lambda functions. Additionally, default mappings are provided for: - string, int, double, and bool primitives - DateTime objects - enums - Arrays and IEnumerable<> of any of the above |
Program |
Receiver |
The 'Receiver' class |
Registry |
Provides a registry of discovered Commands and Factories, as well as methods for discovering them. |
SettingAttribute |
StartUp |
ValueAttribute |
Abstract base class for Parameter and Setting attributes. |
VersionedAttribute |
Base class of Command, Parameter, and Setting attributes. |