C# (CSharp) Catel.Services 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
IDispatcherServiceExtensions Extension methods for the IDispatcherService.
IPleaseWaitServiceExtensions IPleaseWaitService extensions.
IStartUpInfoProviderExtensions Extension methods for the startup info provider.
LanguageService Service to implement the retrieval of language services.
LanguageServiceBase Abstract class to allow partial abstract methods.
LocationServiceBase Class to allow partial abstract methods.
MessageService Message service that implements the IMessageService.
MessageService.Configuration The configuration class.
NavigationHelper The navigation helper class.
NavigationService Service to navigate inside applications.
ObjectConverterService Service to convert objects to strings and vice versa.
SchedulerService Service that allows scheduling of actions in the future.
UIVisualizerService Service to show modal or non-modal popup windows. All windows will have to be registered manually or are be resolved via the Catel.MVVM.IViewLocator.
ViewExportService The ViewExportService interface.