C# (CSharp) CSScriptCompilers 네임스페이스


이름 설명
CCSharpParser Extremely light/primitive parser
CCSharpParser.CSharpParser CSharpParser is a cut down edition of the CS-Script engine C# parser implementation. It only parses C# code with respect to strings and comments.
CPPCompiler C++ compiler. This class is capable of compiling (with MSBuild) dynamically created VS C++ project based on cpp file(s)
CSCompiler C#+XAML compiler. This class is capable of compiling (with MSBuild) dynamically created VS C# WPF project based on cs file(s)
CSharpCompiler C# compiler. This calss is capable to distinguish strandard and classless C# (CCS|CC#) syntax. It will always normalise CC# syntax to the standard C# when CSharpCode|CSharpScriptCode properties accessed. The parser for CC# is a line-based (but not token-based) parser. And as such it cannot garantee success in 100% cases of parsing valid CC# code. Limitations: At this moment there are no known problems but they may be discovered in the future.