C# (CSharp) CSMongo.Results 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AssertInfoResult Information related to assertions by the database
BuildInfoResult Returns details about the current build information for the database
CollectionCountResult The resulting information from a count request for a database
CollectionDistinctResult The response when finding the distinct values of a collection
CollectionStatsResult Details about a collection in the database
DatabaseDetailResult Unique information about a database on the server
DeleteCollectionIndexResult Details about the indexes deleted from a collection
DropCollectionResult The details after deleting a collection
FSyncResult Information about the result of a FSync command
ForceErrorResult A result when attempting to force an error on the server
GetNonceResult The result when getting a nonce value for a database login
GetOpTimeResult Returns the OpTime result from the database
GetPreviousErrorResult Returns about a previous error on the server
MethodResult A general response after calling a Mongo database command
ProfileResult Contains information about the profile level for the server