C# (CSharp) CSJ2K.j2k.wavelet.synthesis 네임스페이스


이름 설명
InvWTFull This class implements the InverseWT with the full-page approach for int and float data.

The image can be reconstructed at different (image) resolution levels indexed from the lowest resolution available for each tile-component. This is controlled by the setImgResLevel() method.

Note: Image resolution level indexes may differ from tile-component resolution index. They are indeed indexed starting from the lowest number of decomposition levels of each component of each tile.

Example: For an image (1 tile) with 2 components (component 0 having 2 decomposition levels and component 1 having 3 decomposition levels), the first (tile-) component has 3 resolution levels and the second one has 4 resolution levels, whereas the image has only 3 resolution levels available.

This implementation does not support progressive data: Data is considered to be non-progressive (i.e. "final" data) and the 'progressive' attribute of the 'DataBlk' class is always set to false, see the 'DataBlk' class.

InverseWT This abstract class extends the WaveletTransform one with the specifics of inverse wavelet transforms.

The image can be reconstructed at different resolution levels. This is controlled by the setResLevel() method. All the image, tile and component dimensions are relative the the resolution level being used. The number of resolution levels indicates the number of wavelet recompositions that will be used, if it is equal as the number of decomposition levels then the full resolution image is reconstructed.

It is assumed in this class that all tiles and components the same reconstruction resolution level. If that where not the case the implementing class should have additional data structures to store those values for each tile. However, the 'recResLvl' member variable always contain the values applicable to the current tile, since many methods implemented here rely on them.