C# (CSharp) CK.Text 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
JSONVisitor Small JSON visitor.
JSONVisitor.Parent Describes a parent object: it is the name of a property and its index or the index in a array.
StringAndStringBuilderExtension Defines useful extension methods on string and StringBuilder.
StringMatcher This class supports "Match and Forward" pattern. On a failed match, the SetError method sets the ErrorMessage. On a successful match, the StartIndex is updated by a call to Forward so that the Head is positioned after the match (and any existing error is cleared). There are 2 main kind of methods: TryMatchXXX that when the match fails returns false but do not call SetErrorand MatchXXX that do set an error on failure. This class does not actually hide/encapsulate a lot of things: it is designed to be extended through extension methods.
StringMatcherTextExtension Extends StringMatcher with useful (yet basic) methods.