C# (CSharp) CK.Monitoring 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
CKMonWriterClient This client writes .ckmon files for one monitor. To close output file, simply unregister this client.
GrandOutputChannelConfigData Configuration for a channel. A channel is a route that receive outputs from monitors: this configuration is associated to a CK.RouteConfig.RouteConfiguration or a CK.RouteConfig.SubRouteConfiguration object. Currently, the only configuration is the MinimalFilter of the channel.
GrandOutputClient A GrandOutputClient is a IActivityMonitorClient that can only be obtained and registered through GrandOutput.Register.
GrandOutputConfiguration Defines configuration for GrandOutput. This object is not thread safe. New GrandOutputConfiguration can be created when needed (and method LoadFromFile or Load called).
GrandOutputEventInfo Captures a log data with the current IActivityMonitor.Topic.
LogEntry Encapsulates ILogEntry concrete objects manipulation.
LogReaderStreamInfo Container for an uncompressed log stream and other meta-information.
MonitorBinaryFileOutput Helper class that encapsulates temporary stream and final renaming for log entries streams. This currently handles only the maximum count of entries per file but this may be extended with options like "SubFolderMode" that can be based on current time (to group logs inside timed intermediate folders like one per day: 2014/01/12 or 2014-01/12, etc.).
MonitorFileOutputBase Helper class that encapsulates temporary stream and final renaming for log entries streams. This currently handles only the maximum count of entries per file but this may be extended with options like "SubFolderMode" that can be based on current time (to group logs inside timed intermediate folders like one per day: 2014/01/12 or 2014-01/12, etc.).
MonitorTextFileOutput Helper class that encapsulates temporary stream and final renaming for log entries streams. This currently handles only the maximum count of entries per file but this may be extended with options like "SubFolderMode" that can be based on current time (to group logs inside timed intermediate folders like one per day: 2014/01/12 or 2014-01/12, etc.).
MultiLogReader This reader process multiples .ckmon files (possibly in different steps: it internally aggregates the result) and can create ActivityMap objects on demand. It is a thread safe object (the ActivityMap is immutable).
MultiLogReader.RawLogFile Immutable object that contains a description of the content of a raw log file.
MultiLogReader.RawLogFileMonitorOccurence Immutable object that describes the occurrence of a Monitor in a RawLogFile.
MulticastLogEntryWithOffset Immutable capture of a log Entry and its Offset.
ParentedLogEntry Parented log entry binds an entry to its parent group and can be a missing entry (a line or group opening or closing that we know it exists but have no data for it or only their ILogEntry.LogTime).
XmlMonitoringExtensions Helpers to read XML configurations.