C# (CSharp) CK.Keyboard.Model 네임스페이스


이름 설명
CurrentKeyboardChangedEventArgs Event argument when the current keyboard changed. Gives access to the previous keyboard.
CurrentKeyboardChangingEventArgs Event argument when the current keyboard is about to change. Gives access to the current and next keyboard. Not cancellable.
KeyEventArgs Defines a key event argument: gives access to the key that is the subject of the event.
KeyInteractionEventArgs Defines a key event argument related to user interaction: it can be one of the KeyInteractionEventType.
KeyModeEventArgs Defines a IKeyMode event argument: gives access to the actual key that is the subject of the event.
KeyModeModeChangedEventArgs Defines the argument of event that fires when the mode of an actual key is modified. This happens only during the edition of a keyboard: the event is raised only by IKeyMode.ChangeMode and IKeyMode.SwapModes (note that when swapping the more specialized KeyModeModeSwappedEventArgs is used).
KeyModeModeSwappedEventArgs Defines the argument of event that fires when two actual keys swap their modes. This happens only during the edition of a keyboard: the event is raised only by IKeyMode.SwapModes method.
KeyModePropertyChangedEventArgs Defines a key property changed event argument when the PropertyHolder is one of the IKeyMode of the KeyEventArgs.Key.
KeyMovedEventArgs The event argument when a key index changed.
KeyPressedEventArgs Defines a key event argument related to KeyPressed event.
KeyProgramCommandsEventArgs Defines a KeyProgram event argument : Index represents the index of the command concerned by the event, in the command list
KeyPropertyChangedEventArgs Defines a key property changed event argument: PropertyName holds the name of the property that changed.
KeyboardContextErrorEventArgs Defines the error event. This may wrap an exception or simply defines an error message.
KeyboardContextEventArgs Defines a context event: it simply offers an access to the context.
KeyboardCurrentLayoutChangedEventArgs Event argument when the current layout of a keyboard changed. Gives access to the previous layout.
KeyboardEventArgs Defines a keyboard event argument: gives access to the keyboard that is the subject of the event.
KeyboardModeChangedEventArgs Defines a keyboard mode event argument.
KeyboardModeChangingEventArgs Defines a keyboard mode event argument.
KeyboardRenamedEventArgs Event argument when a keyboard is renamed. Gives access to the keyboard and the previous name.
LayoutEventArgs Defines a keyboard layout event: gives access to the IContext, the keyboard and layout that is the subject of the event.
LayoutKeyEventArgs Defines a key layout event argument: gives access to the key layout that is the subject of the event.
LayoutKeyModeEventArgs Defines a key layout mode event argument: gives access to the layout that is the subject of the event.
LayoutKeyModeModeChangedEventArgs Defines the argument of event that fires when the mode of a key layout mode is modified. This happens only during the edition of a keyboard: the event is raised only by ILayoutKeyMode.ChangeMode and ILayoutKeyMode.SwapModes (note that when swapping the more specialized LayoutKeyModeModeSwappedEventArgs is used).
LayoutKeyModeModeSwappedEventArgs Defines the argument of event that fires when two key layout modes swap their modes. This happens only during the edition of a keyboard: the event is raised only by ILayoutKeyMode.SwapModes method.
LayoutKeyModePropertyChangedEventArgs Defines a key property changed event argument when the PropertyHolder is one of the ILayoutKeyMode of the KeyEventArgs.Key.
LayoutKeyPropertyChangedEventArgs Defines a key property changed event argument when the PropertyHolder is one of the ILayoutKey of the KeyEventArgs.Key.
LayoutRenamedEventArgs Event argument when a keyboard layout is renamed. Gives access to the layout and the previous name.
ZoneEventArgs Defines a keyboard zone event: gives access to the IContext, the keyboard and zone that is the subject of the event.
ZoneRenamedEventArgs Event argument when a keyboard zone is renamed. Gives access to the zone and the previous name.