C# (CSharp) Bloom.MiscUI 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ProblemReporterDialog This dialog lets users bring up an issue with us. It can include a description, a screenshot, and the file they were working on. It can try to send directly via internet. If this fails, it can make a single zip file and direct the user to email that to us.
ToastNotifier Like a notification ballon, but more reliable "toast" because it slowly goes up, then down. Subscribe to the Click event to know if the user clicked on it. Note: currently clicking on the image or text invoke the click event, not just the action link. Note: don't use a lot of these. They hang around off-screen. (See comment in GoDownTimerTick.) It's primarily intended for something like "updates are available" that happens once per run of the program. Usage: var notifier = new ToastNotifier(); notifier.Image.Image = {some small Image, about 32x32}; notifier.ToastClicked += (sender, args) => {do something}; notifier.Show("You should know this", "Something you might do about it", {some # of seconds}); You should NOT dispose of the notifier, since we haven't found a safe time to even close it.