C# (CSharp) Azavea.Open.DAO.CSV 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
CsvDaLayer Data layer that implements reading/writing/modifying CSV files. NOTE: Updates/Deletes will require re-writing the file, so expect some churn if you're doing a lot of those. Inserts will be appended to the end of the file.
CsvDataReader A datareader that reads CSV files.
CsvDataReader.CsvDataReaderConfig Adds extra config info necessary when setting up a CSV data reader.
CsvDescriptor Connection descriptor representing a CSV file that you intend to read/write/modify/etc. For CSV files, your mapping may map either to column names (which assumes the first row of the CSV is a header row) or column indexes (1-based, since that's what spreadsheets use). See CsvConnectionType for more information on how CSV descriptors can be configured.
WriterInfo We need the writer but we also need to know whether we should write a header to it or not.