C# (CSharp) Aspectacular 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
AspNetRoleAuthorizationAspect Enforces ASP.NET role membership authorization for methods or classes decorated with the DemandAspNetRoleAttribute.
AspNetTraceAspect Outputs AOP call log records to ASP.NET Trace context.
Aspect Base class for all method interceptors
AuthorizationAspect Enforces claims/roles authorization for methods or classes decorated with subclasses of the AuthorizationDemandAttribute.
AzureDestinationQueueConnection Azure queue connection definition for a write-only queue.
AzureQueueConnection Base class for defining connection to Azure queues
AzureQueueMulticastRoute Represents a route between a single source queue and multiple destination queues.
AzureSourceQueueConnection Azure queue connection definition for a read-write queue.
CacheAspect Note: Building method caching key is very expensive performance-wise. Use it only to cache data that store in slow storage types, like databases, files, on the network, on the Internet, etc.
CallLifetimeLog Base class collecting entries with text information logged by aspects, proxy, callers and the intercepted method.
CallLogEntry Call log entry structure. AOP logger has a collection of these objects that is populated by Proxy, Aspects, and sometimes by callers and intercepted methods.
CallerAopLogger Provides access to logging functionality for callers of AOP-intercepted functions.
Core50Shims Extensions for crucial methods messing in .NET Core framework
DateTimeExtensions Contains utility & convenience DateTime methods
DebugOutputAspect Writes log to the Debug output at the end of the lifecycle of the call.
DefaultAspect An element for DefaultAspectsConfigSection collection.
DefaultAspectsConfigSection Custom configuration section provider for default aspect collection.
DoNothingPerfTestAspect Aspect for measuring baseline performance of this AOP framework.
DtcTransactionAspect Aspect implementing DTC transaction. It's slow. Use only when updating data, i.e. apply to Create/Update/Delete multi-database methods, by using [RequiredAspectAttribute] on the method-by-method basis.
EmailAddress Smart class can be used a substitute for "string emailAddress;". Has implicit conversion operators from and to string and thus can be used in method parameters for email addresses.
LinqToSqlAspect Aspect allowing capturing SQL from Entity Framework queries when intercepted method returns IQueryable/ObjectQuery result.
LogOutputAspectBase Use this class as a base for creating loggers - subclasses that take proxy log item collection and store them to whatever medium you need. Override Output(string) method in your subclasses to write the log text to the specific medium, Like Debug, Trace, log4net, Windows Event Log, etc.
MethodCallLoggingExtensions Holds logging methods accessible to intercepted methods if their parent class implements ICallLogger interface.
ObjectCacheFacade A class fronting .NET Framework's mediocre ObjectCache with Aspectacular-friendly ICacheProvider implementation.
RelativeTimeSpan More intuitive time range specification, than start date - end date type of date/time range. For example, "PreviousExcludingCurrent 3 quarters", "Current week", "Past 48 hours".
RequestCache Caches data for the duration of the HTTP request processing. Should be used together with [InvariantReturn] attribute applied to methods and classes whose results can be cached.
RetryAspectBase Enables method retrying
RetryCountAspect Aspect implementing a certain number of function call retries either when method has failed or when certain result was returned.
RetryExponentialDelayAspect Aspect that will keep retrying method call for a certain amount of time, with ever increasing delays between retries.
RetryTimeAspect Aspect retrying function call for a given time period either when method has failed or when certain result was returned.
ReturnValueLoggerAspect Adds value returned by intercepted method as log entry. Use with care: if returned value is a large data set, ToString() can be slow and take lots of memory.
SlowFullMethodSignatureAspect Retrieves method signature with parameter values. It is very slow process, be careful.
SqlCmdExecutionPlanAspect Logs T-SQL execution plan of a SqlCommand.
SqlConnectionAttributesAspect Aspect improving SQL server query performance by adding connection attributes when SQL connection is initialized. Make intercepted object implement ISqlServerConnectionProvider interface to take advantage of this aspect.
StopwatchAspect An aspect recording start time and elapsed execution time. Place this aspect in the aspect collection AFTER log output classes, like TraceOutputAspect, to ensure final data point is shown in the log.
TraceOutputAspect Writes log to the Trace output at the end of the lifecycle of the call.