Antlr4.Runtime.Atn |
Antlr4.Runtime.Dfa |
Antlr4.Runtime.Misc |
Antlr4.Runtime.Sharpen |
Antlr4.Runtime.Test |
Antlr4.Runtime.Tree |
이름 | 설명 |
AntlrFileStream | This is an ANTLRInputStream that is loaded from a file all at once when you construct the object. |
AntlrInputStream | Vacuum all input from a Reader/InputStream and then treat it like a char[] buffer. |
BailErrorStrategy | This implementation of IAntlrErrorStrategy responds to syntax errors by immediately canceling the parse operation with a ParseCanceledException . The implementation ensures that the ParserRuleContext.exception field is set for all parse tree nodes that were not completed prior to encountering the error. This error strategy is useful in the following scenarios.
BaseErrorListener | Provides an empty default implementation of IAntlrErrorListener{Symbol} . The default implementation of each method does nothing, but can be overridden as necessary. |
BufferedTokenStream | This implementation of ITokenStream loads tokens from a ITokenSource on-demand, and places the tokens in a buffer to provide access to any previous token by index. This token stream ignores the value of IToken.Channel() . If your parser requires the token stream filter tokens to only those on a particular channel, such as TokenConstants.DefaultChannel or TokenConstants.HiddenChannel , use a filtering token stream such a CommonTokenStream . |
CommonToken | |
CommonTokenFactory | This default implementation of ITokenFactory creates CommonToken objects. |
CommonTokenStream | This class extends BufferedTokenStream with functionality to filter token streams to tokens on a particular channel (tokens where IToken.Channel() returns a particular value). This token stream provides access to all tokens by index or when calling methods like BufferedTokenStream.GetText() . The channel filtering is only used for code accessing tokens via the lookahead methods BufferedTokenStream.La(int) , Lt(int) , and Lb(int) . By default, tokens are placed on the default channel ( TokenConstants.DefaultChannel ), but may be reassigned by using the Note: lexer rules which use the |
DefaultErrorStrategy | This is the default implementation of IAntlrErrorStrategy used for error reporting and recovery in ANTLR parsers. |
DiagnosticErrorListener | This implementation of IAntlrErrorListener{Symbol} can be used to identify certain potential correctness and performance problems in grammars. "Reports" are made by calling Parser.NotifyErrorListeners(string) with the appropriate message.
FailedPredicateException | |
InputMismatchException | |
IntStreamConstants | |
InterpreterRuleContext | This class extends ParserRuleContext by allowing the value of RuleIndex() to be explicitly set for the context. ParserRuleContext does not include field storage for the rule index since the context classes created by the code generator override the RuleIndex() method to return the correct value for that context. Since the parser interpreter does not use the context classes generated for a parser, this class (with slightly more memory overhead per node) is used to provide equivalent functionality. |
LexerInterpreter | |
LexerNoViableAltException | |
ListTokenSource | Provides an implementation of ITokenSource as a wrapper around a list of IToken objects. If the final token in the list is an TokenConstants.EOF token, it will be used as the EOF token for every call to NextToken() after the end of the list is reached. Otherwise, an EOF token will be created. |
NoViableAltException | |
ParserInterpreter | A parser simulator that mimics what ANTLR's generated parser code does. |
RecognitionException | |
RuleContextWithAltNum | A handy class for use with options {contextSuperClass=org.antlr.v4.runtime.RuleContextWithAltNum;} that provides a property for the outer alternative number matched for an internal parse tree node. |
RuleDependencyAttribute | |
RuleVersionAttribute | |
TokenConstants | |
TokenTypes | |
UnbufferedCharStream | Do not buffer up the entire char stream. |
UnbufferedTokenStream | |
Vocabulary | This class provides a default implementation of the IVocabulary interface. |