C# (CSharp) Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
Activation An activation registers one or more on-premises servers or virtual machines (VMs) with AWS so that you can configure those servers or VMs using Run Command. A server or VM that has been registered with AWS is called a managed instance.
AddTagsToResourceRequest Container for the parameters to the AddTagsToResource operation. Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified resource. Tags are metadata that you assign to your managed instances. Tags enable you to categorize your managed instances in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your account's managed instances that helps you track each instance's owner and stack level. For example: Key=Owner and Value=DbAdmin, SysAdmin, or Dev. Or Key=Stack and Value=Production, Pre-Production, or Test. Each resource can have a maximum of 10 tags.

We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add. Tags don't have any semantic meaning to Amazon EC2 and are interpreted strictly as a string of characters.

For more information about tags, see Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Association Describes an association of an SSM document and an instance.
AssociationDescription Describes the parameters for a document.
AssociationOverview Information about the association.
AutomationExecution Detailed information about the current state of an individual Automation execution.
AutomationExecutionFilter A filter used to match specific automation executions. This is used to limit the scope of Automation execution information returned.
AutomationExecutionMetadata Details about a specific Automation execution.
CancelCommandRequest Container for the parameters to the CancelCommand operation. Attempts to cancel the command specified by the Command ID. There is no guarantee that the command will be terminated and the underlying process stopped.
Command Describes a command request.
CommandFilter Describes a command filter.
CommandInvocation An invocation is copy of a command sent to a specific instance. A command can apply to one or more instances. A command invocation applies to one instance. For example, if a user executes SendCommand against three instances, then a command invocation is created for each requested instance ID. A command invocation returns status and detail information about a command you executed.
CreateActivationRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateActivation operation. Registers your on-premises server or virtual machine with Amazon EC2 so that you can manage these resources using Run Command. An on-premises server or virtual machine that has been registered with EC2 is called a managed instance. For more information about activations, see Setting Up Managed Instances (Linux) or Setting Up Managed Instances (Windows) in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
CreateActivationResponse This is the response object from the CreateActivation operation.
CreateAssociationBatchRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateAssociationBatch operation. Associates the specified SSM document with the specified instances or targets.

When you associate an SSM document with one or more instances using instance IDs or tags, the SSM agent running on the instance processes the document and configures the instance as specified.

If you associate a document with an instance that already has an associated document, the system throws the AssociationAlreadyExists exception.

CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry Describes the association of an SSM document and an instance.
CreateAssociationBatchResponse This is the response object from the CreateAssociationBatch operation.
CreateAssociationRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateAssociation operation. Associates the specified SSM document with the specified instances or targets.

When you associate an SSM document with one or more instances using instance IDs or tags, the SSM agent running on the instance processes the document and configures the instance as specified.

If you associate a document with an instance that already has an associated document, the system throws the AssociationAlreadyExists exception.

CreateAssociationResponse This is the response object from the CreateAssociation operation.
CreateDocumentRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateDocument operation. Creates an SSM document.

After you create an SSM document, you can use CreateAssociation to associate it with one or more running instances.

CreateDocumentResponse This is the response object from the CreateDocument operation.
CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateMaintenanceWindow operation. Creates a new Maintenance Window.
CreateMaintenanceWindowResponse This is the response object from the CreateMaintenanceWindow operation.
CreatePatchBaselineRequest Container for the parameters to the CreatePatchBaseline operation. Creates a patch baseline.
CreatePatchBaselineResponse This is the response object from the CreatePatchBaseline operation.
DeleteActivationRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteActivation operation. Deletes an activation. You are not required to delete an activation. If you delete an activation, you can no longer use it to register additional managed instances. Deleting an activation does not de-register managed instances. You must manually de-register managed instances.
DeleteAssociationRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteAssociation operation. Disassociates the specified SSM document from the specified instance.

When you disassociate an SSM document from an instance, it does not change the configuration of the instance. To change the configuration state of an instance after you disassociate a document, you must create a new document with the desired configuration and associate it with the instance.

DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteMaintenanceWindow operation. Deletes a Maintenance Window.
DeleteMaintenanceWindowResponse This is the response object from the DeleteMaintenanceWindow operation.
DeleteParameterRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteParameter operation. Delete a parameter from the system.
DeletePatchBaselineRequest Container for the parameters to the DeletePatchBaseline operation. Deletes a patch baseline.
DeletePatchBaselineResponse This is the response object from the DeletePatchBaseline operation.
DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest Container for the parameters to the DeregisterManagedInstance operation. Removes the server or virtual machine from the list of registered servers. You can reregister the instance again at any time. If you don’t plan to use Run Command on the server, we suggest uninstalling the SSM agent first.
DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest Container for the parameters to the DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroup operation. Removes a patch group from a patch baseline.
DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupResponse This is the response object from the DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroup operation.
DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest Container for the parameters to the DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindow operation. Removes a target from a Maintenance Window.
DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowResponse This is the response object from the DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindow operation.
DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest Container for the parameters to the DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindow operation. Removes a task from a Maintenance Window.
DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowResponse This is the response object from the DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindow operation.
DescribeActivationsFilter Filter for the DescribeActivation API.
DescribeActivationsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeActivations operation. Details about the activation, including: the date and time the activation was created, the expiration date, the IAM role assigned to the instances in the activation, and the number of instances activated by this registration.
DescribeActivationsResponse This is the response object from the DescribeActivations operation.
DescribeAssociationRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeAssociation operation. Describes the associations for the specified SSM document or instance.
DescribeAssociationResponse This is the response object from the DescribeAssociation operation.
DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeAutomationExecutions operation. Provides details about all active and terminated Automation executions.
DescribeAutomationExecutionsResponse This is the response object from the DescribeAutomationExecutions operation.
DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeAvailablePatches operation. Lists all patches that could possibly be included in a patch baseline.
DescribeAvailablePatchesResponse This is the response object from the DescribeAvailablePatches operation.
DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeDocumentPermission operation. Describes the permissions for an SSM document. If you created the document, you are the owner. If a document is shared, it can either be shared privately (by specifying a user’s AWS account ID) or publicly (All).
DescribeDocumentPermissionResponse This is the response object from the DescribeDocumentPermission operation.
DescribeDocumentRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeDocument operation. Describes the specified SSM document.
DescribeDocumentResponse This is the response object from the DescribeDocument operation.
DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociations operation. All associations for the instance(s).
DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsResponse This is the response object from the DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociations operation.
DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaseline operation. Retrieves the current effective patches (the patch and the approval state) for the specified patch baseline.
DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineResponse This is the response object from the DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaseline operation.
DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatus operation. The status of the associations for the instance(s).
DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusResponse This is the response object from the DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatus operation.
DescribeInstanceInformationRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeInstanceInformation operation. Describes one or more of your instances. You can use this to get information about instances like the operating system platform, the SSM agent version (Linux), status etc. If you specify one or more instance IDs, it returns information for those instances. If you do not specify instance IDs, it returns information for all your instances. If you specify an instance ID that is not valid or an instance that you do not own, you receive an error.
DescribeInstanceInformationResponse This is the response object from the DescribeInstanceInformation operation.
DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroup operation. Retrieves the high-level patch state for the instances in the specified patch group.
DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupResponse This is the response object from the DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroup operation.
DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeInstancePatchStates operation. Retrieves the high-level patch state of one or more instances.
DescribeInstancePatchStatesResponse This is the response object from the DescribeInstancePatchStates operation.
DescribeInstancePatchesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeInstancePatches operation. Retrieves information about the patches on the specified instance and their state relative to the patch baseline being used for the instance.
DescribeInstancePatchesResponse This is the response object from the DescribeInstancePatches operation.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocations operation. Retrieves the individual task executions (one per target) for a particular task executed as part of a Maintenance Window execution.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsResponse This is the response object from the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocations operation.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasks operation. For a given Maintenance Window execution, lists the tasks that were executed.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksResponse This is the response object from the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasks operation.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutions operation. Lists the executions of a Maintenance Window (meaning, information about when the Maintenance Window was scheduled to be active and information about tasks registered and run with the Maintenance Window).
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsResponse This is the response object from the DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutions operation.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargets operation. Lists the targets registered with the Maintenance Window.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsResponse This is the response object from the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargets operation.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasks operation. Lists the tasks in a Maintenance Window.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksResponse This is the response object from the DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasks operation.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeMaintenanceWindows operation. Retrieves the Maintenance Windows in an AWS account.
DescribeMaintenanceWindowsResponse This is the response object from the DescribeMaintenanceWindows operation.
DescribeParametersRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeParameters operation. Get information about a parameter.
DescribeParametersResponse This is the response object from the DescribeParameters operation.
DescribePatchBaselinesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribePatchBaselines operation. Lists the patch baselines in your AWS account.
DescribePatchBaselinesResponse This is the response object from the DescribePatchBaselines operation.
DescribePatchGroupStateRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribePatchGroupState operation. Returns high-level aggregated patch compliance state for a patch group.
DescribePatchGroupStateResponse This is the response object from the DescribePatchGroupState operation.
DescribePatchGroupsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribePatchGroups operation. Lists all patch groups that have been registered with patch baselines.
DescribePatchGroupsResponse This is the response object from the DescribePatchGroups operation.
DocumentDefaultVersionDescription A default version of a document.
DocumentDescription Describes an SSM document.
DocumentIdentifier Describes the name of an SSM document.
DocumentParameter Parameters specified in the SSM document that execute on the server when the command is run.
DocumentVersionInfo Version information about the document.
EffectivePatch The EffectivePatch structure defines metadata about a patch along with the approval state of the patch in a particular patch baseline. The approval state includes information about whether the patch is currently approved, due to be approved by a rule, explicitly approved, or explicitly rejected and the date the patch was or will be approved.
GetAutomationExecutionRequest Container for the parameters to the GetAutomationExecution operation. Get detailed information about a particular Automation execution.
GetAutomationExecutionResponse This is the response object from the GetAutomationExecution operation.
GetCommandInvocationRequest Container for the parameters to the GetCommandInvocation operation. Returns detailed information about command execution for an invocation or plugin.
GetCommandInvocationResponse This is the response object from the GetCommandInvocation operation.
GetDefaultPatchBaselineResponse This is the response object from the GetDefaultPatchBaseline operation.
GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest Container for the parameters to the GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstance operation. Retrieves the current snapshot for the patch baseline the instance uses. This API is primarily used by the AWS-ApplyPatchBaseline Systems Manager document.
GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceResponse This is the response object from the GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstance operation.
GetDocumentRequest Container for the parameters to the GetDocument operation. Gets the contents of the specified SSM document.
GetDocumentResponse This is the response object from the GetDocument operation.
GetInventoryRequest Container for the parameters to the GetInventory operation. Query inventory information.
GetInventoryResponse This is the response object from the GetInventory operation.
GetInventorySchemaRequest Container for the parameters to the GetInventorySchema operation. Return a list of inventory type names for the account, or return a list of attribute names for a specific Inventory item type.
GetInventorySchemaResponse This is the response object from the GetInventorySchema operation.
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest Container for the parameters to the GetMaintenanceWindowExecution operation. Retrieves details about a specific task executed as part of a Maintenance Window execution.
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionResponse This is the response object from the GetMaintenanceWindowExecution operation.
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest Container for the parameters to the GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTask operation. Retrieves the details about a specific task executed as part of a Maintenance Window execution.
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskResponse This is the response object from the GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTask operation.
GetMaintenanceWindowRequest Container for the parameters to the GetMaintenanceWindow operation. Retrieves a Maintenance Window.
GetMaintenanceWindowResponse This is the response object from the GetMaintenanceWindow operation.
GetParameterHistoryRequest Container for the parameters to the GetParameterHistory operation. Query a list of all parameters used by the AWS account.
GetParameterHistoryResponse This is the response object from the GetParameterHistory operation.
GetParametersRequest Container for the parameters to the GetParameters operation. Get a list of parameters used by the AWS account.>
GetParametersResponse This is the response object from the GetParameters operation.
GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest Container for the parameters to the GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroup operation. Retrieves the patch baseline that should be used for the specified patch group.
GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupResponse This is the response object from the GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroup operation.
GetPatchBaselineRequest Container for the parameters to the GetPatchBaseline operation. Retrieves information about a patch baseline.
GetPatchBaselineResponse This is the response object from the GetPatchBaseline operation.
InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview Status information about the aggregated associations.
InstanceAssociation One or more association documents on the instance.
InstanceAssociationOutputLocation An Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request.
InstanceAssociationOutputUrl The URL of Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request.
InstanceAssociationStatusInfo Status information about the instance association.
InstanceInformation Describes a filter for a specific list of instances.
InstanceInformationFilter Describes a filter for a specific list of instances.
InstanceInformationStringFilter The filters to describe or get information about your managed instances.
InstancePatchState Defines the high-level patch compliance state for a managed instance, providing information about the number of installed, missing, not applicable, and failed patches along with metadata about the operation when this information was gathered for the instance.
InstancePatchStateFilter Defines a filter used in DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroup used to scope down the information returned by the API.
InventoryFilter One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results.
InventoryItem Information collected from managed instances based on your inventory policy document
InventoryItemAttribute Attributes are the entries within the inventory item content. It contains name and value.
InventoryItemSchema The inventory item schema definition. Users can use this to compose inventory query filters.
InventoryResultEntity Inventory query results.
InventoryResultItem The inventory result item.
ListAssociationsResponse This is the response object from the ListAssociations operation.
ListCommandInvocationsRequest Container for the parameters to the ListCommandInvocations operation. An invocation is copy of a command sent to a specific instance. A command can apply to one or more instances. A command invocation applies to one instance. For example, if a user executes SendCommand against three instances, then a command invocation is created for each requested instance ID. ListCommandInvocations provide status about command execution.
ListCommandInvocationsResponse This is the response object from the ListCommandInvocations operation.
ListCommandsRequest Container for the parameters to the ListCommands operation. Lists the commands requested by users of the AWS account.
ListCommandsResponse This is the response object from the ListCommands operation.
ListDocumentVersionsRequest Container for the parameters to the ListDocumentVersions operation. List all versions for a document.
ListDocumentVersionsResponse This is the response object from the ListDocumentVersions operation.
ListDocumentsResponse This is the response object from the ListDocuments operation.
ListInventoryEntriesRequest Container for the parameters to the ListInventoryEntries operation. A list of inventory items returned by the request.
ListInventoryEntriesResponse This is the response object from the ListInventoryEntries operation.
ListTagsForResourceRequest Container for the parameters to the ListTagsForResource operation. Returns a list of the tags assigned to the specified resource.
ListTagsForResourceResponse This is the response object from the ListTagsForResource operation.
LoggingInfo Information about an Amazon S3 bucket to write instance-level logs to.
MaintenanceWindowExecution Describes the information about an execution of a Maintenance Window.
MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskIdentity Information about a task execution performed as part of a Maintenance Window execution.
MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity Describes the information about a task invocation for a particular target as part of a task execution performed as part of a Maintenance Window execution.
MaintenanceWindowFilter Filter used in the request.
MaintenanceWindowIdentity Information about the Maintenance Window.
MaintenanceWindowTarget The target registered with the Maintenance Window.
MaintenanceWindowTask Information about a task defined for a Maintenance Window.
MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression Defines the values for a task parameter.
ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest Container for the parameters to the ModifyDocumentPermission operation. Share a document publicly or privately. If you share a document privately, you must specify the AWS user account IDs for those people who can use the document. If you share a document publicly, you must specify All as the account ID.
NotificationConfig Configurations for sending notifications.
Parameter An Amazon EC2 Systems Manager parameter in Parameter Store.
ParameterHistory Information about parameter usage.
ParameterMetadata Metada includes information like the ARN of the last user and the date/time the parameter was last used.
ParametersFilter One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results.
Patch Represents metadata about a patch.
PatchBaselineIdentity Defines the basic information about a patch baseline.
PatchComplianceData Information about the state of a patch on a particular instance as it relates to the patch baseline used to patch the instance.
PatchFilter Defines a patch filter.
PatchFilterGroup A set of patch filters, typically used for approval rules.
PatchGroupPatchBaselineMapping The mapping between a patch group and the patch baseline the patch group is registered with.
PatchOrchestratorFilter Defines a filter used in Patch Manager APIs.
PatchRule Defines an approval rule for a patch baseline.
PatchStatus Information about the approval status of a patch.
PutInventoryRequest Container for the parameters to the PutInventory operation. Bulk update custom inventory items on one more instance. The request adds an inventory item, if it doesn't already exist, or updates an inventory item, if it does exist.
RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest Container for the parameters to the RegisterDefaultPatchBaseline operation. Defines the default patch baseline.
RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineResponse This is the response object from the RegisterDefaultPatchBaseline operation.
RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest Container for the parameters to the RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroup operation. Registers a patch baseline for a patch group.
RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupResponse This is the response object from the RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroup operation.
RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest Container for the parameters to the RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindow operation. Registers a target with a Maintenance Window.
RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowResponse This is the response object from the RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindow operation.
RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest Container for the parameters to the RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindow operation. Adds a new task to a Maintenance Window.
RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowResponse This is the response object from the RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindow operation.
RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest Container for the parameters to the RemoveTagsFromResource operation. Removes all tags from the specified resource.
ResultAttribute The inventory item result attribute.
S3OutputLocation An Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request.
S3OutputUrl A URL for the Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request.
SendCommandRequest Container for the parameters to the SendCommand operation. Executes commands on one or more remote instances.
SendCommandResponse This is the response object from the SendCommand operation.
StartAutomationExecutionRequest Container for the parameters to the StartAutomationExecution operation. Initiates execution of an Automation document.
StartAutomationExecutionResponse This is the response object from the StartAutomationExecution operation.
StepExecution Detailed information about an the execution state of an Automation step.
StopAutomationExecutionRequest Container for the parameters to the StopAutomationExecution operation. Stop an Automation that is currently executing.
Tag Metadata that you assign to your managed instances. Tags enable you to categorize your managed instances in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment.
Target An array of search criteria that targets instances using a Key;Value combination that you specify. Targets is required if you don't provide one or more instance IDs in the call.
UpdateAssociationRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateAssociation operation. Updates an association. You can only update the document version, schedule, parameters, and Amazon S3 output of an association.
UpdateAssociationResponse This is the response object from the UpdateAssociation operation.
UpdateAssociationStatusResponse This is the response object from the UpdateAssociationStatus operation.
UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateDocumentDefaultVersion operation. Set the default version of a document.
UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionResponse This is the response object from the UpdateDocumentDefaultVersion operation.
UpdateDocumentRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateDocument operation. The document you want to update.
UpdateDocumentResponse This is the response object from the UpdateDocument operation.
UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateMaintenanceWindow operation. Updates an existing Maintenance Window. Only specified parameters are modified.
UpdateMaintenanceWindowResponse This is the response object from the UpdateMaintenanceWindow operation.
UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateManagedInstanceRole operation. Assigns or changes an Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to the managed instance.
UpdatePatchBaselineRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdatePatchBaseline operation. Modifies an existing patch baseline. Fields not specified in the request are left unchanged.
UpdatePatchBaselineResponse This is the response object from the UpdatePatchBaseline operation.