C# (CSharp) Amazon.ServiceCatalog 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AccessLevelFilterKey Constants used for properties of type AccessLevelFilterKey.
AmazonServiceCatalogClient Implementation for accessing ServiceCatalog AWS Service Catalog


AWS Service Catalog allows organizations to create and manage catalogs of IT services that are approved for use on AWS. This documentation provides reference material for the AWS Service Catalog end user API. To get the most out of this documentation, you need to be familiar with the terminology discussed in AWS Service Catalog Concepts.

Additional Resources

AmazonServiceCatalogConfig Configuration for accessing Amazon ServiceCatalog service
PrincipalType Constants used for properties of type PrincipalType.
ProductSource Constants used for properties of type ProductSource.
ProductType Constants used for properties of type ProductType.
ProductViewFilterBy Constants used for properties of type ProductViewFilterBy.
ProductViewSortBy Constants used for properties of type ProductViewSortBy.
ProvisioningArtifactType Constants used for properties of type ProvisioningArtifactType.
RecordStatus Constants used for properties of type RecordStatus.
SortOrder Constants used for properties of type SortOrder.
Status Constants used for properties of type Status.