C# (CSharp) Amazon.ServerMigrationService 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AmazonServerMigrationServiceClient Implementation for accessing ServerMigrationService Amazon Server Migration Service automates the process of migrating servers to EC2.
AmazonServerMigrationServiceConfig Configuration for accessing Amazon ServerMigrationService service
ConnectorCapability Constants used for properties of type ConnectorCapability.
ConnectorStatus Constants used for properties of type ConnectorStatus.
LicenseType Constants used for properties of type LicenseType.
ReplicationJobState Constants used for properties of type ReplicationJobState.
ReplicationRunState Constants used for properties of type ReplicationRunState.
ReplicationRunType Constants used for properties of type ReplicationRunType.
ServerCatalogStatus Constants used for properties of type ServerCatalogStatus.
ServerType Constants used for properties of type ServerType.
VmManagerType Constants used for properties of type VmManagerType.