C# (CSharp) Amazon.Lightsail.Model 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AllocateStaticIpRequest Container for the parameters to the AllocateStaticIp operation. Allocates a static IP address.
AllocateStaticIpResponse This is the response object from the AllocateStaticIp operation.
AttachStaticIpRequest Container for the parameters to the AttachStaticIp operation. Attaches a static IP address to a specific Amazon Lightsail instance.
AttachStaticIpResponse This is the response object from the AttachStaticIp operation.
AvailabilityZone Describes an Availability Zone.
Blueprint Describes a blueprint (a virtual private server image).
Bundle Describes a bundle, which is a set of specs describing your virtual private server (or instance).
CloseInstancePublicPortsRequest Container for the parameters to the CloseInstancePublicPorts operation. Closes the public ports on a specific Amazon Lightsail instance.
CloseInstancePublicPortsResponse This is the response object from the CloseInstancePublicPorts operation.
CreateDomainEntryRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateDomainEntry operation. Creates one of the following entry records associated with the domain: A record, CNAME record, TXT record, or MX record.
CreateDomainEntryResponse This is the response object from the CreateDomainEntry operation.
CreateDomainRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateDomain operation. Creates a domain resource for the specified domain (e.g., example.com).
CreateDomainResponse This is the response object from the CreateDomain operation.
CreateInstanceSnapshotRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateInstanceSnapshot operation. Creates a snapshot of a specific virtual private server, or instance. You can use a snapshot to create a new instance that is based on that snapshot.
CreateInstancesFromSnapshotRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateInstancesFromSnapshot operation. Uses a specific snapshot as a blueprint for creating one or more new instances that are based on that identical configuration.
CreateInstancesFromSnapshotResponse This is the response object from the CreateInstancesFromSnapshot operation.
CreateInstancesRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateInstances operation. Creates one or more Amazon Lightsail virtual private servers, or instances.
CreateInstancesResponse This is the response object from the CreateInstances operation.
CreateKeyPairRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateKeyPair operation. Creates sn SSH key pair.
CreateKeyPairResponse This is the response object from the CreateKeyPair operation.
DeleteDomainEntryRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteDomainEntry operation. Deletes a specific domain entry.
DeleteDomainEntryResponse This is the response object from the DeleteDomainEntry operation.
DeleteDomainRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteDomain operation. Deletes the specified domain recordset and all of its domain records.
DeleteDomainResponse This is the response object from the DeleteDomain operation.
DeleteInstanceRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteInstance operation. Deletes a specific Amazon Lightsail virtual private server, or instance.
DeleteInstanceResponse This is the response object from the DeleteInstance operation.
DeleteInstanceSnapshotRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteInstanceSnapshot operation. Deletes a specific snapshot of a virtual private server (or instance).
DeleteInstanceSnapshotResponse This is the response object from the DeleteInstanceSnapshot operation.
DeleteKeyPairRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteKeyPair operation. Deletes a specific SSH key pair.
DeleteKeyPairResponse This is the response object from the DeleteKeyPair operation.
DetachStaticIpRequest Container for the parameters to the DetachStaticIp operation. Detaches a static IP from the Amazon Lightsail instance to which it is attached.
DetachStaticIpResponse This is the response object from the DetachStaticIp operation.
Disk Describes the hard disk (an SSD).
Domain Describes a domain where you are storing recordsets in Lightsail.
DomainEntry Describes a domain recordset entry.
DownloadDefaultKeyPairResponse This is the response object from the DownloadDefaultKeyPair operation.
GetActiveNamesRequest Container for the parameters to the GetActiveNames operation. Returns the names of all active (not deleted) resources.
GetActiveNamesResponse This is the response object from the GetActiveNames operation.
GetBlueprintsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetBlueprints operation. Returns the list of available instance images, or blueprints. You can use a blueprint to create a new virtual private server already running a specific operating system, as well as a preinstalled app or development stack. The software each instance is running depends on the blueprint image you choose.
GetBundlesRequest Container for the parameters to the GetBundles operation. Returns the list of bundles that are available for purchase. A bundle describes the specs for your virtual private server (or instance).
GetBundlesResponse This is the response object from the GetBundles operation.
GetDomainRequest Container for the parameters to the GetDomain operation. Returns information about a specific domain recordset.
GetDomainResponse This is the response object from the GetDomain operation.
GetDomainsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetDomains operation. Returns a list of all domains in the user's account.
GetDomainsResponse This is the response object from the GetDomains operation.
GetInstanceAccessDetailsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetInstanceAccessDetails operation. Returns temporary SSH keys you can use to connect to a specific virtual private server, or instance.
GetInstanceAccessDetailsResponse This is the response object from the GetInstanceAccessDetails operation.
GetInstanceMetricDataRequest Container for the parameters to the GetInstanceMetricData operation. Returns the data points for the specified Amazon Lightsail instance metric, given an instance name.
GetInstanceMetricDataResponse This is the response object from the GetInstanceMetricData operation.
GetInstancePortStatesRequest Container for the parameters to the GetInstancePortStates operation. Returns the port states for a specific virtual private server, or instance.
GetInstancePortStatesResponse This is the response object from the GetInstancePortStates operation.
GetInstanceRequest Container for the parameters to the GetInstance operation. Returns information about a specific Amazon Lightsail instance, which is a virtual private server.
GetInstanceResponse This is the response object from the GetInstance operation.
GetInstanceSnapshotRequest Container for the parameters to the GetInstanceSnapshot operation. Returns information about a specific instance snapshot.
GetInstanceSnapshotResponse This is the response object from the GetInstanceSnapshot operation.
GetInstanceSnapshotsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetInstanceSnapshots operation. Returns all instance snapshots for the user's account.
GetInstanceSnapshotsResponse This is the response object from the GetInstanceSnapshots operation.
GetInstanceStateRequest Container for the parameters to the GetInstanceState operation. Returns the state of a specific instance. Works on one instance at a time.
GetInstanceStateResponse This is the response object from the GetInstanceState operation.
GetInstancesRequest Container for the parameters to the GetInstances operation. Returns information about all Amazon Lightsail virtual private servers, or instances.
GetInstancesResponse This is the response object from the GetInstances operation.
GetKeyPairRequest Container for the parameters to the GetKeyPair operation. Returns information about a specific key pair.
GetKeyPairResponse This is the response object from the GetKeyPair operation.
GetKeyPairsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetKeyPairs operation. Returns information about all key pairs in the user's account.
GetKeyPairsResponse This is the response object from the GetKeyPairs operation.
GetOperationRequest Container for the parameters to the GetOperation operation. Returns information about a specific operation. Operations include events such as when you create an instance, allocate a static IP, attach a static IP, and so on.
GetOperationResponse This is the response object from the GetOperation operation.
GetOperationsForResourceRequest Container for the parameters to the GetOperationsForResource operation. Gets operations for a specific resource (e.g., an instance or a static IP).
GetOperationsForResourceResponse This is the response object from the GetOperationsForResource operation.
GetOperationsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetOperations operation. Returns information about all operations.

Results are returned from oldest to newest, up to a maximum of 200. Results can be paged by making each subsequent call to GetOperations use the maximum (last) statusChangedAt value from the previous request.

GetOperationsResponse This is the response object from the GetOperations operation.
GetRegionsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetRegions operation. Returns a list of all valid regions for Amazon Lightsail.
GetRegionsResponse This is the response object from the GetRegions operation.
GetStaticIpRequest Container for the parameters to the GetStaticIp operation. Returns information about a specific static IP.
GetStaticIpResponse This is the response object from the GetStaticIp operation.
GetStaticIpsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetStaticIps operation. Returns information about all static IPs in the user's account.
GetStaticIpsResponse This is the response object from the GetStaticIps operation.
ImportKeyPairRequest Container for the parameters to the ImportKeyPair operation. Imports a public SSH key from a specific key pair.
ImportKeyPairResponse This is the response object from the ImportKeyPair operation.
Instance Describes an instance (a virtual private server).
InstanceAccessDetails The parameters for gaining temporary access to one of your Amazon Lightsail instances.
InstanceHardware Describes the hardware for the instance.
InstanceNetworking Describes monthly data transfer rates and port information for an instance.
InstancePortInfo Describes information about the instance ports.
InstanceSnapshot Describes the snapshot of the virtual private server, or instance.
InstanceState Describes the virtual private server (or instance) status.
IsVpcPeeredResponse This is the response object from the IsVpcPeered operation.
KeyPair Describes the SSH key pair.
MetricDatapoint Describes the metric data point.
MonthlyTransfer Describes the monthly data transfer in and out of your virtual private server (or instance).
OpenInstancePublicPortsRequest Container for the parameters to the OpenInstancePublicPorts operation. Adds public ports to an Amazon Lightsail instance.
OpenInstancePublicPortsResponse This is the response object from the OpenInstancePublicPorts operation.
Operation Describes the API operation.
PeerVpcResponse This is the response object from the PeerVpc operation.
PortInfo Describes information about the ports on your virtual private server (or instance).
RebootInstanceRequest Container for the parameters to the RebootInstance operation. Restarts a specific instance. When your Amazon Lightsail instance is finished rebooting, Lightsail assigns a new public IP address. To use the same IP address after restarting, create a static IP address and attach it to the instance.
RebootInstanceResponse This is the response object from the RebootInstance operation.
Region Describes the AWS Region.
ReleaseStaticIpRequest Container for the parameters to the ReleaseStaticIp operation. Deletes a specific static IP from your account.
ReleaseStaticIpResponse This is the response object from the ReleaseStaticIp operation.
ResourceLocation Describes the resource location.
StartInstanceRequest Container for the parameters to the StartInstance operation. Starts a specific Amazon Lightsail instance from a stopped state. To restart an instance, use the reboot instance operation.
StartInstanceResponse This is the response object from the StartInstance operation.
StaticIp Describes the static IP.
StopInstanceRequest Container for the parameters to the StopInstance operation. Stops a specific Amazon Lightsail instance that is currently running.
StopInstanceResponse This is the response object from the StopInstance operation.
UnpeerVpcResponse This is the response object from the UnpeerVpc operation.
UpdateDomainEntryRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateDomainEntry operation. Updates a domain recordset after it is created.
UpdateDomainEntryResponse This is the response object from the UpdateDomainEntry operation.