C# (CSharp) Amazon.ECR.Model 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AuthorizationData An object representing authorization data for an Amazon ECR registry.
BatchCheckLayerAvailabilityRequest Container for the parameters to the BatchCheckLayerAvailability operation. Check the availability of multiple image layers in a specified registry and repository.

This operation is used by the Amazon ECR proxy, and it is not intended for general use by customers for pulling and pushing images. In most cases, you should use the docker CLI to pull, tag, and push images.

BatchCheckLayerAvailabilityResponse This is the response object from the BatchCheckLayerAvailability operation.
BatchDeleteImageRequest Container for the parameters to the BatchDeleteImage operation. Deletes a list of specified images within a specified repository. Images are specified with either imageTag or imageDigest.

You can remove a tag from an image by specifying the image's tag in your request. When you remove the last tag from an image, the image is deleted from your repository.

You can completely delete an image (and all of its tags) by specifying the image's digest in your request.

BatchDeleteImageResponse This is the response object from the BatchDeleteImage operation.
BatchGetImageRequest Container for the parameters to the BatchGetImage operation. Gets detailed information for specified images within a specified repository. Images are specified with either imageTag or imageDigest.
BatchGetImageResponse This is the response object from the BatchGetImage operation.
CompleteLayerUploadRequest Container for the parameters to the CompleteLayerUpload operation. Inform Amazon ECR that the image layer upload for a specified registry, repository name, and upload ID, has completed. You can optionally provide a sha256 digest of the image layer for data validation purposes.

This operation is used by the Amazon ECR proxy, and it is not intended for general use by customers for pulling and pushing images. In most cases, you should use the docker CLI to pull, tag, and push images.

CompleteLayerUploadResponse This is the response object from the CompleteLayerUpload operation.
CreateRepositoryResponse This is the response object from the CreateRepository operation.
DeleteRepositoryPolicyResponse This is the response object from the DeleteRepositoryPolicy operation.
DeleteRepositoryResponse This is the response object from the DeleteRepository operation.
DescribeImagesFilter An object representing a filter on a DescribeImages operation.
DescribeImagesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeImages operation. Returns metadata about the images in a repository, including image size, image tags, and creation date.

Beginning with Docker version 1.9, the Docker client compresses image layers before pushing them to a V2 Docker registry. The output of the docker images command shows the uncompressed image size, so it may return a larger image size than the image sizes returned by DescribeImages.

DescribeImagesResponse This is the response object from the DescribeImages operation.
DescribeRepositoriesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeRepositories operation. Describes image repositories in a registry.
DescribeRepositoriesResponse This is the response object from the DescribeRepositories operation.
GetAuthorizationTokenResponse This is the response object from the GetAuthorizationToken operation.
GetDownloadUrlForLayerRequest Container for the parameters to the GetDownloadUrlForLayer operation. Retrieves the pre-signed Amazon S3 download URL corresponding to an image layer. You can only get URLs for image layers that are referenced in an image.

This operation is used by the Amazon ECR proxy, and it is not intended for general use by customers for pulling and pushing images. In most cases, you should use the docker CLI to pull, tag, and push images.

GetDownloadUrlForLayerResponse This is the response object from the GetDownloadUrlForLayer operation.
GetRepositoryPolicyResponse This is the response object from the GetRepositoryPolicy operation.
Image An object representing an Amazon ECR image.
ImageDetail An object that describes an image returned by a DescribeImages operation.
ImageFailure An object representing an Amazon ECR image failure.
ImageIdentifier An object with identifying information for an Amazon ECR image.
InitiateLayerUploadRequest Container for the parameters to the InitiateLayerUpload operation. Notify Amazon ECR that you intend to upload an image layer.

This operation is used by the Amazon ECR proxy, and it is not intended for general use by customers for pulling and pushing images. In most cases, you should use the docker CLI to pull, tag, and push images.

InitiateLayerUploadResponse This is the response object from the InitiateLayerUpload operation.
LayerFailure An object representing an Amazon ECR image layer failure.
ListImagesFilter An object representing a filter on a ListImages operation.
ListImagesRequest Container for the parameters to the ListImages operation. Lists all the image IDs for a given repository.

You can filter images based on whether or not they are tagged by setting the tagStatus parameter to TAGGED or UNTAGGED. For example, you can filter your results to return only UNTAGGED images and then pipe that result to a BatchDeleteImage operation to delete them. Or, you can filter your results to return only TAGGED images to list all of the tags in your repository.

ListImagesResponse This is the response object from the ListImages operation.
PutImageRequest Container for the parameters to the PutImage operation. Creates or updates the image manifest and tags associated with an image.

This operation is used by the Amazon ECR proxy, and it is not intended for general use by customers for pulling and pushing images. In most cases, you should use the docker CLI to pull, tag, and push images.

PutImageResponse This is the response object from the PutImage operation.
SetRepositoryPolicyResponse This is the response object from the SetRepositoryPolicy operation.
UploadLayerPartRequest Container for the parameters to the UploadLayerPart operation. Uploads an image layer part to Amazon ECR.

This operation is used by the Amazon ECR proxy, and it is not intended for general use by customers for pulling and pushing images. In most cases, you should use the docker CLI to pull, tag, and push images.

UploadLayerPartResponse This is the response object from the UploadLayerPart operation.