C# (CSharp) Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DataModel 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BatchGet Represents a non-generic object for retrieving a batch of items from a single DynamoDB table
BatchWrite Represents a non-generic object for writing/deleting a batch of items in a single DynamoDB table
DynamoDBContextConfig Configuration object for setting options on the DynamoDBContext. and individual operations.
DynamoDBOperationConfig Configuration object for setting options for individual operations. This will override any settings specified by the DynamoDBContext's DynamoDBContextConfig object.
MultiTableBatchGet Class for retrieving a batch of items from multiple DynamoDB tables, using multiple strongly-typed BatchGet objects
MultiTableBatchWrite Class for writing/deleting a batch of items in multiple DynamoDB tables, using multiple strongly-typed BatchWrite objects
QueryCondition Class describing a single query condition
S3Link S3Link is an object that provides a connection to an S3 resource that can be stored in a DynamoDB field through DynamoDBContext
ScanCondition Class describing a single scan condition