C# (CSharp) Amazon.AWSHealth.Model 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AffectedEntity Affected Entity Information.
DateTimeRange The date and time range for the timestamp field. If "from" is set and "to" is set: match records where the timestmp between "from" and "to" inclusive. If "from" is set and "to" is not set: match records which the timestamp value after is equal or after "from". If "from" is not set and "to" is set: match records where the timestamp value is equal or before "to".
DescribeAffectedEntitiesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeAffectedEntities operation. Gets a list of entities that have been attached to events, based on the specified filter criteria. Entities can refer to individual customer resources, groups of customer resources, or any other construct, depending on the AWS service. Events that have impact beyond that of the attached entities, or where the extent of impact is unknown, include at least one entity indicating this. If no filter criteria are specified, all entities are returned. Results are sorted by the lastUpdatedTime of the entity, starting with the most recent.
DescribeAffectedEntitiesResponse This is the response object from the DescribeAffectedEntities operation.
DescribeEntityAggregatesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeEntityAggregates operation.
DescribeEntityAggregatesResponse This is the response object from the DescribeEntityAggregates operation.
DescribeEventAggregatesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeEventAggregates operation.
DescribeEventAggregatesResponse This is the response object from the DescribeEventAggregates operation.
DescribeEventDetailsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeEventDetails operation. Gets detailed event information (excluding AffectedEntities) of an event that is affecting/has affected the caller. This will include a detailed description pertaining to the event, as well as any public metadata provided by the service-team that created the event.
DescribeEventDetailsResponse This is the response object from the DescribeEventDetails operation.
DescribeEventTypesRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeEventTypes operation. Gets a list of the event types that can be reported by Silvermine, based on the specified filter criteria. If no filter criteria are specified, all event types are returned, in no particular order.
DescribeEventTypesResponse This is the response object from the DescribeEventTypes operation.
DescribeEventsRequest Container for the parameters to the DescribeEvents operation. Gets a list of events, based on the specified filter criteria. Events are returned in a summary form and do not include attached resources (if they exist) nor publicly exposed metadata included by the service-team that posted the event. Filters allow for a single event to be retrieved, or multiple events matching the provided criteria. If no filter criteria are specified, all events are returned. Results are sorted by lastModifiedTime, starting with the the most recent.
DescribeEventsResponse This is the response object from the DescribeEvents operation.
EntityFilter Entity filter record.
Event Event record.
EventFilter Event filter record.
EventType On-boarded event type code ex. AWS_EC2_SYSTEM_MAINTENANCE_EVENT. This uniquely identifies an event type. We will be following the convention: "AWS_{service}_*".
EventTypeFilter Event Type filter record.