C# (CSharp) Amazon.APIGateway.Model 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
ApiKey A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key. API keys can be mapped to any Stage on any RestApi, which indicates that the callers with the API key can make requests to that stage.
ApiStage API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.
Authorizer Represents an authorization layer for methods. If enabled on a method, API Gateway will activate the authorizer when a client calls the method.
BasePathMapping Represents the base path that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
A custom domain name plus a BasePathMapping specification identifies a deployed RestApi in a given stage of the owner Account.
ClientCertificate Represents a client certificate used to configure client-side SSL authentication while sending requests to the integration endpoint.
Client certificates are used authenticate an API by the back-end server. To authenticate an API client (or user), use a custom Authorizer.
CreateApiKeyRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateApiKey operation. Create an ApiKey resource.
CreateApiKeyResponse A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key. API keys can be mapped to any Stage on any RestApi, which indicates that the callers with the API key can make requests to that stage.
CreateAuthorizerRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateAuthorizer operation. Adds a new Authorizer resource to an existing RestApi resource.
CreateAuthorizerResponse Represents an authorization layer for methods. If enabled on a method, API Gateway will activate the authorizer when a client calls the method.
CreateBasePathMappingResponse Represents the base path that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
A custom domain name plus a BasePathMapping specification identifies a deployed RestApi in a given stage of the owner Account.
CreateDeploymentRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateDeployment operation. Creates a Deployment resource, which makes a specified RestApi callable over the internet.
CreateDeploymentResponse An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages. A deployment must be associated with a Stage for it to be callable over the Internet.
To create a deployment, call POST on the Deployments resource of a RestApi. To view, update, or delete a deployment, call GET, PATCH, or DELETE on the specified deployment resource (/restapis/{restapi_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}).
CreateDocumentationPartResponse A documentation part for a targeted API entity.

A documentation part consists of a content map (properties) and a target (location). The target specifies an API entity to which the documentation content applies. The supported API entity types are API, AUTHORIZER, MODEL, RESOURCE, METHOD, PATH_PARAMETER, QUERY_PARAMETER, REQUEST_HEADER, REQUEST_BODY, RESPONSE, RESPONSE_HEADER, and RESPONSE_BODY. Valid location fields depend on the API entity type. All valid fields are not required.

The content map is a JSON string of API-specific key-value pairs. Although an API can use any shape for the content map, only the Swagger-compliant documentation fields will be injected into the associated API entity definition in the exported Swagger definition file.

CreateDocumentationVersionRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateDocumentationVersion operation.
CreateDocumentationVersionResponse A snapshot of the documentation of an API.

Publishing API documentation involves creating a documentation version associated with an API stage and exporting the versioned documentation to an external (e.g., Swagger) file.

CreateDomainNameResponse Represents a domain name that is contained in a simpler, more intuitive URL that can be called.
CreateModelResponse Represents the data structure of a method's request or response payload.

A request model defines the data structure of the client-supplied request payload. A response model defines the data structure of the response payload returned by the back end. Although not required, models are useful for mapping payloads between the front end and back end.

A model is used for generating an API's SDK, validating the input request body, and creating a skeletal mapping template.

CreateResourceResponse Represents an API resource.
CreateRestApiRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateRestApi operation. Creates a new RestApi resource.
CreateRestApiResponse Represents a REST API.
CreateStageRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateStage operation. Creates a new Stage resource that references a pre-existing Deployment for the API.
CreateStageResponse Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
CreateUsagePlanKeyRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateUsagePlanKey operation. Creates a usage plan key for adding an existing API key to a usage plan.
CreateUsagePlanKeyResponse Represents a usage plan key to identify a plan customer.

To associate an API stage with a selected API key in a usage plan, you must create a UsagePlanKey resource to represent the selected ApiKey.

CreateUsagePlanRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateUsagePlan operation. Creates a usage plan with the throttle and quota limits, as well as the associated API stages, specified in the payload.
CreateUsagePlanResponse Represents a usage plan than can specify who can assess associated API stages with specified request limits and quotas.

In a usage plan, you associate an API by specifying the API's Id and a stage name of the specified API. You add plan customers by adding API keys to the plan.

DeleteAuthorizerRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteAuthorizer operation. Deletes an existing Authorizer resource.
DeleteClientCertificateRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteClientCertificate operation. Deletes the ClientCertificate resource.
DeleteDocumentationPartRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteDocumentationPart operation.
DeleteDocumentationVersionRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteDocumentationVersion operation.
DeleteMethodRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteMethod operation. Deletes an existing Method resource.
DeleteMethodResponseRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteMethodResponse operation. Deletes an existing MethodResponse resource.
DeleteUsagePlanKeyRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteUsagePlanKey operation. Deletes a usage plan key and remove the underlying API key from the associated usage plan.
DeleteUsagePlanRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteUsagePlan operation. Deletes a usage plan of a given plan Id.
Deployment An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages. A deployment must be associated with a Stage for it to be callable over the Internet.
To create a deployment, call POST on the Deployments resource of a RestApi. To view, update, or delete a deployment, call GET, PATCH, or DELETE on the specified deployment resource (/restapis/{restapi_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}).
DocumentationPart A documentation part for a targeted API entity.

A documentation part consists of a content map (properties) and a target (location). The target specifies an API entity to which the documentation content applies. The supported API entity types are API, AUTHORIZER, MODEL, RESOURCE, METHOD, PATH_PARAMETER, QUERY_PARAMETER, REQUEST_HEADER, REQUEST_BODY, RESPONSE, RESPONSE_HEADER, and RESPONSE_BODY. Valid location fields depend on the API entity type. All valid fields are not required.

The content map is a JSON string of API-specific key-value pairs. Although an API can use any shape for the content map, only the Swagger-compliant documentation fields will be injected into the associated API entity definition in the exported Swagger definition file.

DocumentationPartLocation Specifies the target API entity to which the documentation applies.
DocumentationVersion A snapshot of the documentation of an API.

Publishing API documentation involves creating a documentation version associated with an API stage and exporting the versioned documentation to an external (e.g., Swagger) file.

DomainName Represents a domain name that is contained in a simpler, more intuitive URL that can be called.
FlushStageAuthorizersCacheRequest Container for the parameters to the FlushStageAuthorizersCache operation. Flushes all authorizer cache entries on a stage.
GenerateClientCertificateRequest Container for the parameters to the GenerateClientCertificate operation. Generates a ClientCertificate resource.
GenerateClientCertificateResponse Represents a client certificate used to configure client-side SSL authentication while sending requests to the integration endpoint.
Client certificates are used authenticate an API by the back-end server. To authenticate an API client (or user), use a custom Authorizer.
GetAccountResponse Represents an AWS account that is associated with Amazon API Gateway.

To view the account info, call GET on this resource.

Error Codes

The following exception may be thrown when the request fails.

  • UnauthorizedException
  • NotFoundException
  • TooManyRequestsException

For detailed error code information, including the corresponding HTTP Status Codes, see API Gateway Error Codes

Example: Get the information about an account.

GET /account HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com X-Amz-Date: 20160531T184618Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash} 

The successful response returns a 200 OK status code and a payload similar to the following:

{ "_links": { "curies": { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/account-apigateway-{rel}.html", "name": "account", "templated": true }, "self": { "href": "/account" }, "account:update": { "href": "/account" } }, "cloudwatchRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole", "throttleSettings": { "rateLimit": 500, "burstLimit": 1000 } } 

In addition to making the REST API call directly, you can use the AWS CLI and an AWS SDK to access this resource.

GetApiKeyRequest Container for the parameters to the GetApiKey operation. Gets information about the current ApiKey resource.
GetApiKeyResponse A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key. API keys can be mapped to any Stage on any RestApi, which indicates that the callers with the API key can make requests to that stage.
GetApiKeysRequest Container for the parameters to the GetApiKeys operation. Gets information about the current ApiKeys resource.
GetApiKeysResponse Represents a collection of API keys as represented by an ApiKeys resource.
GetAuthorizerRequest Container for the parameters to the GetAuthorizer operation. Describe an existing Authorizer resource.
GetAuthorizerResponse Represents an authorization layer for methods. If enabled on a method, API Gateway will activate the authorizer when a client calls the method.
GetAuthorizersRequest Container for the parameters to the GetAuthorizers operation. Describe an existing Authorizers resource.
GetAuthorizersResponse Represents a collection of Authorizer resources.
GetBasePathMappingResponse Represents the base path that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
A custom domain name plus a BasePathMapping specification identifies a deployed RestApi in a given stage of the owner Account.
GetBasePathMappingsResponse Represents a collection of BasePathMapping resources.
GetClientCertificateRequest Container for the parameters to the GetClientCertificate operation. Gets information about the current ClientCertificate resource.
GetClientCertificateResponse Represents a client certificate used to configure client-side SSL authentication while sending requests to the integration endpoint.
Client certificates are used authenticate an API by the back-end server. To authenticate an API client (or user), use a custom Authorizer.
GetClientCertificatesRequest Container for the parameters to the GetClientCertificates operation. Gets a collection of ClientCertificate resources.
GetClientCertificatesResponse Represents a collection of ClientCertificate resources.
GetDeploymentResponse An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages. A deployment must be associated with a Stage for it to be callable over the Internet.
To create a deployment, call POST on the Deployments resource of a RestApi. To view, update, or delete a deployment, call GET, PATCH, or DELETE on the specified deployment resource (/restapis/{restapi_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}).
GetDeploymentsResponse Represents a collection resource that contains zero or more references to your existing deployments, and links that guide you on how to interact with your collection. The collection offers a paginated view of the contained deployments.
To create a new deployment of a RestApi, make a POST request against this resource. To view, update, or delete an existing deployment, make a GET, PATCH, or DELETE request, respectively, on a specified Deployment resource.
GetDocumentationPartRequest Container for the parameters to the GetDocumentationPart operation.
GetDocumentationPartResponse A documentation part for a targeted API entity.

A documentation part consists of a content map (properties) and a target (location). The target specifies an API entity to which the documentation content applies. The supported API entity types are API, AUTHORIZER, MODEL, RESOURCE, METHOD, PATH_PARAMETER, QUERY_PARAMETER, REQUEST_HEADER, REQUEST_BODY, RESPONSE, RESPONSE_HEADER, and RESPONSE_BODY. Valid location fields depend on the API entity type. All valid fields are not required.

The content map is a JSON string of API-specific key-value pairs. Although an API can use any shape for the content map, only the Swagger-compliant documentation fields will be injected into the associated API entity definition in the exported Swagger definition file.

GetDocumentationPartsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetDocumentationParts operation.
GetDocumentationPartsResponse The collection of documentation parts of an API.
GetDocumentationVersionRequest Container for the parameters to the GetDocumentationVersion operation.
GetDocumentationVersionResponse A snapshot of the documentation of an API.

Publishing API documentation involves creating a documentation version associated with an API stage and exporting the versioned documentation to an external (e.g., Swagger) file.

GetDocumentationVersionsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetDocumentationVersions operation.
GetDocumentationVersionsResponse The collection of documentation snapshots of an API.

Use the DocumentationVersions to manage documentation snapshots associated with various API stages.

GetDomainNameResponse Represents a domain name that is contained in a simpler, more intuitive URL that can be called.
GetDomainNamesResponse Represents a collection of DomainName resources.
GetExportRequest Container for the parameters to the GetExport operation. Exports a deployed version of a RestApi in a specified format.
GetExportResponse The binary blob response to GetExport, which contains the generated SDK.
GetIntegrationResponse Represents an HTTP, HTTP_PROXY, AWS, AWS_PROXY, or Mock integration.
In the API Gateway console, the built-in Lambda integration is an AWS integration.
GetIntegrationResponseResponse Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the back-end response.
GetMethodRequest Container for the parameters to the GetMethod operation. Describe an existing Method resource.
GetMethodResponse Represents a client-facing interface by which the client calls the API to access back-end resources. A Method resource is integrated with an Integration resource. Both consist of a request and one or more responses. The method request takes the client input that is passed to the back end through the integration request. A method response returns the output from the back end to the client through an integration response. A method request is embodied in a Method resource, whereas an integration request is embodied in an Integration resource. On the other hand, a method response is represented by a MethodResponse resource, whereas an integration response is represented by an IntegrationResponse resource.

Example: Retrive the GET method on a specified resource


The following example request retrieves the information about the GET method on an API resource (3kzxbg5sa2) of an API (fugvjdxtri).

GET /restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com X-Amz-Date: 20160603T210259Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160603/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}

The successful response returns a 200 OK status code and a payload similar to the following:

{ "_links": { "curies": [ { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-integration-{rel}.html", "name": "integration", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-integration-response-{rel}.html", "name": "integrationresponse", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-{rel}.html", "name": "method", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-response-{rel}.html", "name": "methodresponse", "templated": true } ], "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET", "name": "GET", "title": "GET" }, "integration:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "method:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET" }, "method:integration": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "method:responses": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "method:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET" }, "methodresponse:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/{status_code}", "templated": true } }, "apiKeyRequired": true, "authorizationType": "NONE", "httpMethod": "GET", "_embedded": { "method:integration": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integration:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integration:responses": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "integration:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integrationresponse:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/{status_code}", "templated": true } }, "cacheKeyParameters": [], "cacheNamespace": "3kzxbg5sa2", "credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole", "httpMethod": "POST", "passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH", "requestParameters": { "integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'" }, "requestTemplates": { "application/json": "{\n}" }, "type": "AWS", "uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/ListStreams", "_embedded": { "integration:responses": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "integrationresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200" }, "integrationresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200" } }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": "'application/xml'" }, "responseTemplates": { "application/json": "$util.urlDecode(\"%3CkinesisStreams%3E%23foreach(%24stream%20in%20%24input.path(%27%24.StreamNames%27))%3Cstream%3E%3Cname%3E%24stream%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fstream%3E%23end%3C%2FkinesisStreams%3E\")" }, "statusCode": "200" } } }, "method:responses": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "methodresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" }, "methodresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" } }, "responseModels": { "application/json": "Empty" }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": false }, "statusCode": "200" } } }

In the example above, the response template for the 200 OK response maps the JSON output from the ListStreams action in the back end to an XML output. The mapping template is URL-encoded as %3CkinesisStreams%3E%23foreach(%24stream%20in%20%24input.path(%27%24.StreamNames%27))%3Cstream%3E%3Cname%3E%24stream%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fstream%3E%23end%3C%2FkinesisStreams%3E and the output is decoded using the $util.urlDecode() helper function.

GetMethodResponseRequest Container for the parameters to the GetMethodResponse operation. Describes a MethodResponse resource.
GetMethodResponseResponse Represents a method response of a given HTTP status code returned to the client. The method response is passed from the back end through the associated integration response that can be transformed using a mapping template.

Example: A MethodResponse instance of an API


The example request retrieves a MethodResponse of the 200 status code.

GET /restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com X-Amz-Date: 20160603T222952Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160603/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}

The successful response returns 200 OK status and a payload as follows:

{ "_links": { "curies": { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-response-{rel}.html", "name": "methodresponse", "templated": true }, "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "title": "200" }, "methodresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" }, "methodresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" } }, "responseModels": { "application/json": "Empty" }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": false }, "statusCode": "200" }
GetModelRequest Container for the parameters to the GetModel operation. Describes an existing model defined for a RestApi resource.
GetModelResponse Represents the data structure of a method's request or response payload.

A request model defines the data structure of the client-supplied request payload. A response model defines the data structure of the response payload returned by the back end. Although not required, models are useful for mapping payloads between the front end and back end.

A model is used for generating an API's SDK, validating the input request body, and creating a skeletal mapping template.

GetModelTemplateResponse Represents a mapping template used to transform a payload.
GetModelsResponse Represents a collection of Model resources.
GetResourceResponse Represents an API resource.
GetResourcesResponse Represents a collection of Resource resources.
GetRestApiResponse Represents a REST API.
GetRestApisResponse Contains references to your APIs and links that guide you in how to interact with your collection. A collection offers a paginated view of your APIs.
GetSdkRequest Container for the parameters to the GetSdk operation. Generates a client SDK for a RestApi and Stage.
GetSdkResponse The binary blob response to GetSdk, which contains the generated SDK.
GetSdkTypeRequest Container for the parameters to the GetSdkType operation.
GetSdkTypeResponse A type of SDK that API Gateway can generate.
GetSdkTypesRequest Container for the parameters to the GetSdkTypes operation.
GetSdkTypesResponse The collection of SdkType instances.
GetStageResponse Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
GetStagesResponse A list of Stage resources that are associated with the ApiKey resource.
GetUsagePlanKeyRequest Container for the parameters to the GetUsagePlanKey operation. Gets a usage plan key of a given key identifier.
GetUsagePlanKeyResponse Represents a usage plan key to identify a plan customer.

To associate an API stage with a selected API key in a usage plan, you must create a UsagePlanKey resource to represent the selected ApiKey.

GetUsagePlanKeysRequest Container for the parameters to the GetUsagePlanKeys operation. Gets all the usage plan keys representing the API keys added to a specified usage plan.
GetUsagePlanKeysResponse Represents the collection of usage plan keys added to usage plans for the associated API keys and, possibly, other types of keys.
GetUsagePlanRequest Container for the parameters to the GetUsagePlan operation. Gets a usage plan of a given plan identifier.
GetUsagePlanResponse Represents a usage plan than can specify who can assess associated API stages with specified request limits and quotas.

In a usage plan, you associate an API by specifying the API's Id and a stage name of the specified API. You add plan customers by adding API keys to the plan.

GetUsagePlansResponse Represents a collection of usage plans for an AWS account.
GetUsageRequest Container for the parameters to the GetUsage operation. Gets the usage data of a usage plan in a specified time interval.
GetUsageResponse Represents the usage data of a usage plan.
ImportApiKeysRequest Container for the parameters to the ImportApiKeys operation. Import API keys from an external source, such as a CSV-formatted file.
ImportApiKeysResponse The identifier of an ApiKey used in a UsagePlan.
ImportDocumentationPartsRequest Container for the parameters to the ImportDocumentationParts operation.
ImportDocumentationPartsResponse A collection of the imported DocumentationPart identifiers.
This is used to return the result when documentation parts in an external (e.g., Swagger) file are imported into Amazon API Gateway
ImportRestApiRequest Container for the parameters to the ImportRestApi operation. A feature of the Amazon API Gateway control service for creating a new API from an external API definition file.
ImportRestApiResponse Represents a REST API.
Integration Represents an HTTP, HTTP_PROXY, AWS, AWS_PROXY, or Mock integration.
In the API Gateway console, the built-in Lambda integration is an AWS integration.
IntegrationResponse Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the back-end response.
Method Represents a client-facing interface by which the client calls the API to access back-end resources. A Method resource is integrated with an Integration resource. Both consist of a request and one or more responses. The method request takes the client input that is passed to the back end through the integration request. A method response returns the output from the back end to the client through an integration response. A method request is embodied in a Method resource, whereas an integration request is embodied in an Integration resource. On the other hand, a method response is represented by a MethodResponse resource, whereas an integration response is represented by an IntegrationResponse resource.

Example: Retrive the GET method on a specified resource


The following example request retrieves the information about the GET method on an API resource (3kzxbg5sa2) of an API (fugvjdxtri).

GET /restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com X-Amz-Date: 20160603T210259Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160603/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}

The successful response returns a 200 OK status code and a payload similar to the following:

{ "_links": { "curies": [ { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-integration-{rel}.html", "name": "integration", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-integration-response-{rel}.html", "name": "integrationresponse", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-{rel}.html", "name": "method", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-response-{rel}.html", "name": "methodresponse", "templated": true } ], "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET", "name": "GET", "title": "GET" }, "integration:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "method:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET" }, "method:integration": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "method:responses": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "method:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET" }, "methodresponse:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/{status_code}", "templated": true } }, "apiKeyRequired": true, "authorizationType": "NONE", "httpMethod": "GET", "_embedded": { "method:integration": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integration:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integration:responses": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "integration:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integrationresponse:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/{status_code}", "templated": true } }, "cacheKeyParameters": [], "cacheNamespace": "3kzxbg5sa2", "credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole", "httpMethod": "POST", "passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH", "requestParameters": { "integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'" }, "requestTemplates": { "application/json": "{\n}" }, "type": "AWS", "uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/ListStreams", "_embedded": { "integration:responses": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "integrationresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200" }, "integrationresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200" } }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": "'application/xml'" }, "responseTemplates": { "application/json": "$util.urlDecode(\"%3CkinesisStreams%3E%23foreach(%24stream%20in%20%24input.path(%27%24.StreamNames%27))%3Cstream%3E%3Cname%3E%24stream%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fstream%3E%23end%3C%2FkinesisStreams%3E\")" }, "statusCode": "200" } } }, "method:responses": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "methodresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" }, "methodresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" } }, "responseModels": { "application/json": "Empty" }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": false }, "statusCode": "200" } } }

In the example above, the response template for the 200 OK response maps the JSON output from the ListStreams action in the back end to an XML output. The mapping template is URL-encoded as %3CkinesisStreams%3E%23foreach(%24stream%20in%20%24input.path(%27%24.StreamNames%27))%3Cstream%3E%3Cname%3E%24stream%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fstream%3E%23end%3C%2FkinesisStreams%3E and the output is decoded using the $util.urlDecode() helper function.

MethodResponse Represents a method response of a given HTTP status code returned to the client. The method response is passed from the back end through the associated integration response that can be transformed using a mapping template.

Example: A MethodResponse instance of an API


The example request retrieves a MethodResponse of the 200 status code.

GET /restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com X-Amz-Date: 20160603T222952Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160603/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}

The successful response returns 200 OK status and a payload as follows:

{ "_links": { "curies": { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-response-{rel}.html", "name": "methodresponse", "templated": true }, "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "title": "200" }, "methodresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" }, "methodresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" } }, "responseModels": { "application/json": "Empty" }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": false }, "statusCode": "200" }
MethodSetting Specifies the method setting properties.
Model Represents the data structure of a method's request or response payload.

A request model defines the data structure of the client-supplied request payload. A response model defines the data structure of the response payload returned by the back end. Although not required, models are useful for mapping payloads between the front end and back end.

A model is used for generating an API's SDK, validating the input request body, and creating a skeletal mapping template.

PatchOperation A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
PutIntegrationRequest Container for the parameters to the PutIntegration operation. Represents a put integration.
PutIntegrationResponse Represents an HTTP, HTTP_PROXY, AWS, AWS_PROXY, or Mock integration.
In the API Gateway console, the built-in Lambda integration is an AWS integration.
PutIntegrationResponseRequest Container for the parameters to the PutIntegrationResponse operation. Represents a put integration.
PutIntegrationResponseResponse Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the back-end response.
PutMethodRequest Container for the parameters to the PutMethod operation. Add a method to an existing Resource resource.
PutMethodResponse Represents a client-facing interface by which the client calls the API to access back-end resources. A Method resource is integrated with an Integration resource. Both consist of a request and one or more responses. The method request takes the client input that is passed to the back end through the integration request. A method response returns the output from the back end to the client through an integration response. A method request is embodied in a Method resource, whereas an integration request is embodied in an Integration resource. On the other hand, a method response is represented by a MethodResponse resource, whereas an integration response is represented by an IntegrationResponse resource.

Example: Retrive the GET method on a specified resource


The following example request retrieves the information about the GET method on an API resource (3kzxbg5sa2) of an API (fugvjdxtri).

GET /restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com X-Amz-Date: 20160603T210259Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160603/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}

The successful response returns a 200 OK status code and a payload similar to the following:

{ "_links": { "curies": [ { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-integration-{rel}.html", "name": "integration", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-integration-response-{rel}.html", "name": "integrationresponse", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-{rel}.html", "name": "method", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-response-{rel}.html", "name": "methodresponse", "templated": true } ], "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET", "name": "GET", "title": "GET" }, "integration:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "method:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET" }, "method:integration": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "method:responses": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "method:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET" }, "methodresponse:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/{status_code}", "templated": true } }, "apiKeyRequired": true, "authorizationType": "NONE", "httpMethod": "GET", "_embedded": { "method:integration": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integration:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integration:responses": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "integration:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integrationresponse:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/{status_code}", "templated": true } }, "cacheKeyParameters": [], "cacheNamespace": "3kzxbg5sa2", "credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole", "httpMethod": "POST", "passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH", "requestParameters": { "integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'" }, "requestTemplates": { "application/json": "{\n}" }, "type": "AWS", "uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/ListStreams", "_embedded": { "integration:responses": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "integrationresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200" }, "integrationresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200" } }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": "'application/xml'" }, "responseTemplates": { "application/json": "$util.urlDecode(\"%3CkinesisStreams%3E%23foreach(%24stream%20in%20%24input.path(%27%24.StreamNames%27))%3Cstream%3E%3Cname%3E%24stream%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fstream%3E%23end%3C%2FkinesisStreams%3E\")" }, "statusCode": "200" } } }, "method:responses": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "methodresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" }, "methodresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" } }, "responseModels": { "application/json": "Empty" }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": false }, "statusCode": "200" } } }

In the example above, the response template for the 200 OK response maps the JSON output from the ListStreams action in the back end to an XML output. The mapping template is URL-encoded as %3CkinesisStreams%3E%23foreach(%24stream%20in%20%24input.path(%27%24.StreamNames%27))%3Cstream%3E%3Cname%3E%24stream%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fstream%3E%23end%3C%2FkinesisStreams%3E and the output is decoded using the $util.urlDecode() helper function.

PutMethodResponseRequest Container for the parameters to the PutMethodResponse operation. Adds a MethodResponse to an existing Method resource.
PutMethodResponseResponse Represents a method response of a given HTTP status code returned to the client. The method response is passed from the back end through the associated integration response that can be transformed using a mapping template.

Example: A MethodResponse instance of an API


The example request retrieves a MethodResponse of the 200 status code.

GET /restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com X-Amz-Date: 20160603T222952Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160603/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}

The successful response returns 200 OK status and a payload as follows:

{ "_links": { "curies": { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-response-{rel}.html", "name": "methodresponse", "templated": true }, "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "title": "200" }, "methodresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" }, "methodresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" } }, "responseModels": { "application/json": "Empty" }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": false }, "statusCode": "200" }
PutRestApiRequest Container for the parameters to the PutRestApi operation. A feature of the Amazon API Gateway control service for updating an existing API with an input of external API definitions. The update can take the form of merging the supplied definition into the existing API or overwriting the existing API.
PutRestApiResponse Represents a REST API.
QuotaSettings Quotas configured for a usage plan.
Resource Represents an API resource.
RestApi Represents a REST API.
SdkConfigurationProperty A configuration property of an SDK type.
SdkType A type of SDK that API Gateway can generate.
Stage Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
TestInvokeAuthorizerRequest Container for the parameters to the TestInvokeAuthorizer operation. Simulate the execution of an Authorizer in your RestApi with headers, parameters, and an incoming request body.
TestInvokeAuthorizerResponse Represents the response of the test invoke request for a custom Authorizer
TestInvokeMethodRequest Container for the parameters to the TestInvokeMethod operation. Simulate the execution of a Method in your RestApi with headers, parameters, and an incoming request body.
TestInvokeMethodResponse Represents the response of the test invoke request in the HTTP method.
ThrottleSettings The API request rate limits.
UpdateAccountRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateAccount operation. Changes information about the current Account resource.
UpdateAccountResponse Represents an AWS account that is associated with Amazon API Gateway.

To view the account info, call GET on this resource.

Error Codes

The following exception may be thrown when the request fails.

  • UnauthorizedException
  • NotFoundException
  • TooManyRequestsException

For detailed error code information, including the corresponding HTTP Status Codes, see API Gateway Error Codes

Example: Get the information about an account.

GET /account HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com X-Amz-Date: 20160531T184618Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash} 

The successful response returns a 200 OK status code and a payload similar to the following:

{ "_links": { "curies": { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/account-apigateway-{rel}.html", "name": "account", "templated": true }, "self": { "href": "/account" }, "account:update": { "href": "/account" } }, "cloudwatchRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole", "throttleSettings": { "rateLimit": 500, "burstLimit": 1000 } } 

In addition to making the REST API call directly, you can use the AWS CLI and an AWS SDK to access this resource.

UpdateApiKeyRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateApiKey operation. Changes information about an ApiKey resource.
UpdateApiKeyResponse A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key. API keys can be mapped to any Stage on any RestApi, which indicates that the callers with the API key can make requests to that stage.
UpdateAuthorizerRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateAuthorizer operation. Updates an existing Authorizer resource.
UpdateAuthorizerResponse Represents an authorization layer for methods. If enabled on a method, API Gateway will activate the authorizer when a client calls the method.
UpdateBasePathMappingRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateBasePathMapping operation. Changes information about the BasePathMapping resource.
UpdateClientCertificateRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateClientCertificate operation. Changes information about an ClientCertificate resource.
UpdateClientCertificateResponse Represents a client certificate used to configure client-side SSL authentication while sending requests to the integration endpoint.
Client certificates are used authenticate an API by the back-end server. To authenticate an API client (or user), use a custom Authorizer.
UpdateDeploymentRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateDeployment operation. Changes information about a Deployment resource.
UpdateDeploymentResponse An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages. A deployment must be associated with a Stage for it to be callable over the Internet.
To create a deployment, call POST on the Deployments resource of a RestApi. To view, update, or delete a deployment, call GET, PATCH, or DELETE on the specified deployment resource (/restapis/{restapi_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}).
UpdateDocumentationPartRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateDocumentationPart operation.
UpdateDocumentationPartResponse A documentation part for a targeted API entity.

A documentation part consists of a content map (properties) and a target (location). The target specifies an API entity to which the documentation content applies. The supported API entity types are API, AUTHORIZER, MODEL, RESOURCE, METHOD, PATH_PARAMETER, QUERY_PARAMETER, REQUEST_HEADER, REQUEST_BODY, RESPONSE, RESPONSE_HEADER, and RESPONSE_BODY. Valid location fields depend on the API entity type. All valid fields are not required.

The content map is a JSON string of API-specific key-value pairs. Although an API can use any shape for the content map, only the Swagger-compliant documentation fields will be injected into the associated API entity definition in the exported Swagger definition file.

UpdateDocumentationVersionRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateDocumentationVersion operation.
UpdateDomainNameResponse Represents a domain name that is contained in a simpler, more intuitive URL that can be called.
UpdateIntegrationRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateIntegration operation. Represents an update integration.
UpdateIntegrationResponse Represents an HTTP, HTTP_PROXY, AWS, AWS_PROXY, or Mock integration.
In the API Gateway console, the built-in Lambda integration is an AWS integration.
UpdateIntegrationResponseRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateIntegrationResponse operation. Represents an update integration response.
UpdateIntegrationResponseResponse Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the back-end response.
UpdateMethodRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateMethod operation. Updates an existing Method resource.
UpdateMethodResponse Represents a client-facing interface by which the client calls the API to access back-end resources. A Method resource is integrated with an Integration resource. Both consist of a request and one or more responses. The method request takes the client input that is passed to the back end through the integration request. A method response returns the output from the back end to the client through an integration response. A method request is embodied in a Method resource, whereas an integration request is embodied in an Integration resource. On the other hand, a method response is represented by a MethodResponse resource, whereas an integration response is represented by an IntegrationResponse resource.

Example: Retrive the GET method on a specified resource


The following example request retrieves the information about the GET method on an API resource (3kzxbg5sa2) of an API (fugvjdxtri).

GET /restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com X-Amz-Date: 20160603T210259Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160603/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}

The successful response returns a 200 OK status code and a payload similar to the following:

{ "_links": { "curies": [ { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-integration-{rel}.html", "name": "integration", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-integration-response-{rel}.html", "name": "integrationresponse", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-{rel}.html", "name": "method", "templated": true }, { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-response-{rel}.html", "name": "methodresponse", "templated": true } ], "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET", "name": "GET", "title": "GET" }, "integration:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "method:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET" }, "method:integration": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "method:responses": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "method:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET" }, "methodresponse:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/{status_code}", "templated": true } }, "apiKeyRequired": true, "authorizationType": "NONE", "httpMethod": "GET", "_embedded": { "method:integration": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integration:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integration:responses": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "integration:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration" }, "integrationresponse:put": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/{status_code}", "templated": true } }, "cacheKeyParameters": [], "cacheNamespace": "3kzxbg5sa2", "credentials": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole", "httpMethod": "POST", "passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH", "requestParameters": { "integration.request.header.Content-Type": "'application/x-amz-json-1.1'" }, "requestTemplates": { "application/json": "{\n}" }, "type": "AWS", "uri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:kinesis:action/ListStreams", "_embedded": { "integration:responses": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "integrationresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200" }, "integrationresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/integration/responses/200" } }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": "'application/xml'" }, "responseTemplates": { "application/json": "$util.urlDecode(\"%3CkinesisStreams%3E%23foreach(%24stream%20in%20%24input.path(%27%24.StreamNames%27))%3Cstream%3E%3Cname%3E%24stream%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fstream%3E%23end%3C%2FkinesisStreams%3E\")" }, "statusCode": "200" } } }, "method:responses": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "name": "200", "title": "200" }, "methodresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" }, "methodresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" } }, "responseModels": { "application/json": "Empty" }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": false }, "statusCode": "200" } } }

In the example above, the response template for the 200 OK response maps the JSON output from the ListStreams action in the back end to an XML output. The mapping template is URL-encoded as %3CkinesisStreams%3E%23foreach(%24stream%20in%20%24input.path(%27%24.StreamNames%27))%3Cstream%3E%3Cname%3E%24stream%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fstream%3E%23end%3C%2FkinesisStreams%3E and the output is decoded using the $util.urlDecode() helper function.

UpdateMethodResponseRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateMethodResponse operation. Updates an existing MethodResponse resource.
UpdateMethodResponseResponse Represents a method response of a given HTTP status code returned to the client. The method response is passed from the back end through the associated integration response that can be transformed using a mapping template.

Example: A MethodResponse instance of an API


The example request retrieves a MethodResponse of the 200 status code.

GET /restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: apigateway.us-east-1.amazonaws.com X-Amz-Date: 20160603T222952Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={access_key_ID}/20160603/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature={sig4_hash}

The successful response returns 200 OK status and a payload as follows:

{ "_links": { "curies": { "href": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/restapi-method-response-{rel}.html", "name": "methodresponse", "templated": true }, "self": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200", "title": "200" }, "methodresponse:delete": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" }, "methodresponse:update": { "href": "/restapis/fugvjdxtri/resources/3kzxbg5sa2/methods/GET/responses/200" } }, "responseModels": { "application/json": "Empty" }, "responseParameters": { "method.response.header.Content-Type": false }, "statusCode": "200" }
UpdateModelRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateModel operation. Changes information about a model.
UpdateModelResponse Represents the data structure of a method's request or response payload.

A request model defines the data structure of the client-supplied request payload. A response model defines the data structure of the response payload returned by the back end. Although not required, models are useful for mapping payloads between the front end and back end.

A model is used for generating an API's SDK, validating the input request body, and creating a skeletal mapping template.

UpdateResourceRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateResource operation. Changes information about a Resource resource.
UpdateResourceResponse Represents an API resource.
UpdateRestApiRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateRestApi operation. Changes information about the specified API.
UpdateRestApiResponse Represents a REST API.
UpdateStageRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateStage operation. Changes information about a Stage resource.
UpdateStageResponse Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
UpdateUsagePlanRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateUsagePlan operation. Updates a usage plan of a given plan Id.
UpdateUsagePlanResponse Represents a usage plan than can specify who can assess associated API stages with specified request limits and quotas.

In a usage plan, you associate an API by specifying the API's Id and a stage name of the specified API. You add plan customers by adding API keys to the plan.

UpdateUsageRequest Container for the parameters to the UpdateUsage operation. Grants a temporary extension to the reamining quota of a usage plan associated with a specified API key.
UpdateUsageResponse Represents the usage data of a usage plan.
UsagePlan Represents a usage plan than can specify who can assess associated API stages with specified request limits and quotas.

In a usage plan, you associate an API by specifying the API's Id and a stage name of the specified API. You add plan customers by adding API keys to the plan.

UsagePlanKey Represents a usage plan key to identify a plan customer.

To associate an API stage with a selected API key in a usage plan, you must create a UsagePlanKey resource to represent the selected ApiKey.
