C# (CSharp) Akka.Actor.Internal 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AbstractStash INTERNAL Abstract base class for stash support Note! Part of internal API. Breaking changes may occur without notice. Use at own risk.
NormalChildrenContainer Normal children container: we do have at least one child, but none of our children are currently terminating (which is the time period between calling context.stop(child) and processing the ChildTerminated() system message).
TerminatedChildrenContainer This is the empty container which is installed after the last child has terminated while stopping; it is necessary to distinguish from the normal empty state while calling handleChildTerminated() for the last time.
TerminatingChildrenContainer Waiting state: there are outstanding termination requests (i.e. context.stop(child) was called but the corresponding ChildTerminated() system message has not yet been processed). There could be no specific reason (UserRequested), we could be Restarting or Terminating. Removing the last child which was supposed to be terminating will return a different type of container, depending on whether or not children are left and whether or not the reason was “Terminating”.