C# (CSharp) Akamai.EdgeGrid.Auth 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ClientCredential Represents the client credential that is used in service requests. It contains the client token that represents the service client, the client secret that is associated with the client token used for request signing, and the access token that represents the authorizations the client has for accessing the service.
EdgeGridV1Signer The EdgeGrid Signer is responsible for brokering a requests.This class is responsible for the core interaction logic given an API command and the associated set of parameters. When event is executed, the 'Authorization' header is decorated If connection is going to be reused, pass the persistent HttpWebRequest object when calling execute() TODO: support rebinding on IO communication errors (eg: connection reset) TODO: support Async callbacks and Async IO TODO: support multiplexing TODO: optimize and adapt throughput based on connection latency Author: [email protected] (Colin Bendell)